Modern City Exterior ar Night

Modern City Exterior ar Night

JumaT goKiLL !!

Qlo hr Jumat tuh, pasti deh.. Gw jd gak bisa nyantai wkt break skolah!! Gmn bisa? Krn break ke-2 nyah ada religion support gt, ssuai agama msg2”.. Jlz break pertama gw pake buat makan doonk? Jd yah gt, qlo ada tgz2” yg blom dkerjaen, jd gk bisa ngerjaen hr Jumat nya. Biasa, qt khand suqa ngerjaen tgz di skul. Hho ho^^

Bknnya gk seneng yah ada religion support. Tp yah jgn ganggu break time qt geh! Cr waktu keq.. Tp gpp lha, drpd break kelamaan jg, malah bingung mo ngapaen?? Abiz religion support khand buah nya dibagi2” tuh, qtorg bawa ke klz trz mkn brg2”.. Malah seru kyq gt.. Pdhl, biz tuh ada math test!! Wahh, yg kyq gne nieh ngerusak suasana ajh!

Oiyya, td ank2” Gauss gokil bgt! Bis slesai IELTS nieh yaa, pd triak2” cempreng di klz.. Ngapaen tah? Pd gila gt.. Sapa lg yg mulai qlo bkn Pascal?? Truz yg laen pd ngikut jg.. hha ha^^ Bewh, pokoq nya qt gila lahh.. T’akhir sbelom pulang, pintu klz ditutup, trz qt smua triak ramean, bareng2”.. Itung dlo 1..2..3.. Lgsg deh pd jerit2” barengan, udh kayaq di utan! Tp seru koq,, maen kyq anaq kecil gt.. Gk cewek, gk cowok, sama ajh!! Ha ha ha^^

Eh, tp wkt mo pulang ujan lg!! Yah gmn doonk? Gw mo jakil jlz gk mungkin khand? Sms bokap gw, minta jemput.. Lama bgt gk djemput2” !! Temen2” pd ngongek gw, “ya ampuun dress! Rumah llo deket, minta jemput?” hha ha^^.. Blom tauq dlo dyorg wkt gw di Franzib.. Mana prnh yg nama nya jakil?? Paling gak mao gw, jln lewat gang disitu. Jauuh!! Gw khand sering jakil sjak msk DB inie lha..

Akhir nya, gw ikudt mobil Rima.. Mobil sedan, dimasukkin qtorg cewek2” ber-6, ngempet2” deh udh kyq naek angkot. Hha ha^^ Yg penting gk keujanan.. Wuiih, baeq nyah temen2” gw!!

DoubLe pRojecT

Taon nieh gw xin cia di Jakarta.. Biasa, dmn lg qlo bkn tmt emak? Lumayan lhaq, byk proyek, double Jakarta-lampung.. Hho ho^^ Ketemu lg ma sepupu2” gw, anak2” yg bandel nyah ampun2” dehh!! Kangen jg sieh, scara lama gak ketemu. Tambah lucu ajah ank2” itu, gokil2” dah!!

Jd awal nya, nyokap udh bilang mo brangkat hr minggu jam 7 pagi. Tp bisa ketebak khand, qlo qt pd ngaret. Akhirnya bru brangkat jam stgh 9.. Yahh, gk sempet kemana2” jg sieh di jakarta mah.. Senen xin cia, truz slasa lgsg balik lg. Tp gpp, lumayan bisa boloz skolah 1hari ajah! Sbelom nya hr Sabtu gw udh nitip surat ke Rima, buat boloz hr selasa.. hha ha ha^^

Btw, Sabtu kmrn ok bgt lhoq!! Seventeen nyah Sae.. Qt party mpe malem. Untung bokap gw jemput, qlo nggk mungkin gw bakal lebih malem lg.. Padahal, gw blm packing buadt brgkat hr minggu nya.. Paraggh llo!!

Trz pulang Lampung, hr Rabu ad mkn2” lg !! Acaranyah Wa2n ma Xintya tuhh.. Shrz nya sieh, biz ituh gw hrz ngelayat.. Temen qt ada yg out! Gila, kaget gw wkt Ko Cana sms!! Sumprit. Tp gmn lhaq, scara gw blm ke tmt sodara2” gw jg.. Jd yah, gk bisa ikutan deh gw.. Tp tetep, gw berdoa ajh, supaya alm. bahagia slalu lahh!! Amiin.

Modif Motor Sport

Modif sport fom Balikpapan

Exterior of Bridge

Exterior of Bridge

Exterior of Pyramid


Modification Yamaha Vega

This modification is very simple, because use monoshock and racing velg.

Modification Motor Twin Knalpot

This modification motor use two colour fundamental, green and yellow colour is witch dominan colour. Monoshock in under jock have twin knalpot and velg racing.

Modification Jupiter MX Full Colour

Yamaha Jupiter MX was one of the types of the sport duck that was present at Indonesia. That sporty and the machine 135 cc that used the water cooler (the radiator) but also the clutch made one of the types of the duck motor that most the behaviour at this time.

That sporty still could be changed or modified in order to appear more sporty I took several photographs from several website about the Jupiter Mx modificatio.

Modification Design Futuristik

This modif design futuristik and aerodinamis through firm lines in all over the bodi was enough to hypnotise the eyes. Everything of the two motors carried the spur kitchen have a capacity small, namely 125 cc that it seems was based on Hayate 125. Only cover the exterior machine (CVT and the magnet) was designed repeated with the concept more futuristik and elegant. Antara cover the machine and fender the wheel was drafted joined. That enough interesting was the plan setang stylish V that was carried by him. When in skutik-skutik now generally setang was covered cover, in the two concept primary schools precisely was made minimalis. Possibly followed tren in recent times. However not was significant without the indicator panel right. The device of the machine and the speed of the round reader continued to be available, but his dimension was made as on a small scale as possible that was positioned in the middle setang

Other Side of Exterior Australian


Other Side of Exterior Australian

Art of Yunani Style in Exterior


Art of Yunani Style in Exterior

Modification Yamaha Nouvo Elegance

This Picture Modification Yamaha Nouvo Elegance with black colour body. knalpot racing.

Exterior Modern Building High Story


Exterior Modern Building High Story

Contemporary Exterior House at Corner


Contemporary Exterior House at Corner

Modern Exterior House Design

Modern Exterior House Design

Contemporary Modern House

Contemporary Modern House

Modern Exterior of Gate


Modern Exterior of Gate

Contemporary Classic House


Contemporary Classic House

Modifikasi Yamaha Mio Sporty 2005

Yamaha Mio Sporty full blue colour, velg racing wth crome this picture from