Other Side of MACBA
It seems a bit obstruse of the Architect Richard Meier to create a wall of South facing glass, particularly in a Mediterranean climate, and then cover it in brise-soleil. It does however create a dynamic internal space for the ramped circulation.
Apa penting nyah gt??
Huwweeq!! Buang, muntahin ajh pikiran kyq gt,, dress!! Biarin dy b’senang-senang.. Peduli setan ajh lah llo.. Drpd sakidt ndiri mikirin yg nggk2” ?? Jgn tlalu lemah, jgn tlalu bodoh jd wanita itu!! Byk yg bisa dkerjaen slaen ngabisin waktu llo sama dy..
Biarin ajh dy bangga dg 2, dan atau 3 kali 8 nyah!! (yg gk ngerti diem ajh).. Biarin dy bangga dg rumah baru nyah, dg kota indah nyah!! Dan ngelupain asal usul nya dy.. Biarin dy bangga dg profesi baru nyah, dan qlo inget ajh baru kadang2” kembali ke masa lalu. Memangnya qt rugi?? Oowh, sori ajh iiah!! Apapun yg dy kerjakan, gk ada hubungannya sama gw!! Tolong dicatet yg itu..
Qlo pun gw msh ada dlm otak nya, truz ap untungnya gt?? Ngasih harapan buat ketemu lg?? Nggk, gw gk sudi!! Dy sndiri yg milih masuk ke tmt itu, tp gw gk mao ikut2”an!! Pilihan gw bukan tmt jelek kyq gt!! Makasih ajh, gw gk bakal mao duduk disitu, qlo cuma buat ngeliat llo.. Buadt apah coba??
Yaelahh, biar aj lah dy berkreasi dg status nya.. Apa sih penting nya?? Peringkat teratas dlm file gw tuh bisa slalu brubah.. Jd gk usah bangga dg apa yg udh llo dpt! Bisa nongkrong di daerah gw ajh, udh blagu gt?? Ihh, you are so fuck, you know!!
When I was child, maybe I think this person is perfect! But, I’ve got a lot of friends now, who have different culture, attitude, and character. So, I can tell it to everybody about this situation. I can feel something that I cannot feel before. I can compare everyone whom I met. Because I have many collection of people!! I know what is the different now is. Between you and the other person.
Don’t be proud of your rank. Because it can change if you fly to the sky, and forget the person below you. You know what I mean, right?? And it’s not a joke.. I can reveal it into the reality. So, just wait and see whatever in the future..
Biarin ajh dy bangga dg 2, dan atau 3 kali 8 nyah!! (yg gk ngerti diem ajh).. Biarin dy bangga dg rumah baru nyah, dg kota indah nyah!! Dan ngelupain asal usul nya dy.. Biarin dy bangga dg profesi baru nyah, dan qlo inget ajh baru kadang2” kembali ke masa lalu. Memangnya qt rugi?? Oowh, sori ajh iiah!! Apapun yg dy kerjakan, gk ada hubungannya sama gw!! Tolong dicatet yg itu..
Qlo pun gw msh ada dlm otak nya, truz ap untungnya gt?? Ngasih harapan buat ketemu lg?? Nggk, gw gk sudi!! Dy sndiri yg milih masuk ke tmt itu, tp gw gk mao ikut2”an!! Pilihan gw bukan tmt jelek kyq gt!! Makasih ajh, gw gk bakal mao duduk disitu, qlo cuma buat ngeliat llo.. Buadt apah coba??
Yaelahh, biar aj lah dy berkreasi dg status nya.. Apa sih penting nya?? Peringkat teratas dlm file gw tuh bisa slalu brubah.. Jd gk usah bangga dg apa yg udh llo dpt! Bisa nongkrong di daerah gw ajh, udh blagu gt?? Ihh, you are so fuck, you know!!
When I was child, maybe I think this person is perfect! But, I’ve got a lot of friends now, who have different culture, attitude, and character. So, I can tell it to everybody about this situation. I can feel something that I cannot feel before. I can compare everyone whom I met. Because I have many collection of people!! I know what is the different now is. Between you and the other person.
Don’t be proud of your rank. Because it can change if you fly to the sky, and forget the person below you. You know what I mean, right?? And it’s not a joke.. I can reveal it into the reality. So, just wait and see whatever in the future..
Amazing Houses Near of the River
lots of amazing houses by the canals, this one sort of stood out a bit more than the rest... i felt like i was in miami when looking at this
Exterior of Pacific Century Place
"Beijing CHINA" Shopping Exterior "Pacific Century Place Shopping Center" Sidewalk in Front "Lit up" at Night AGJP7P 14th Floor, IBM Tower, 2A Workers Stadium Road North, Chaoyang District 100027 Beijing/ China
This Regus centre offers a prominent address at the heart of Chaoyang, the new central business and finance district and most sought after location for businesses operating in Beijing. It is home to many embassies and leading Chinese companies, plus multi-national companies such as Goldman Sachs, Daimler, Alcatel and Credit Suisse First Boston. The Regus centre in Beijing is part of an expanding global network which includes other centres across the Far East. Beijing International Airport is only a 25 minute drive away and there is easy access to the extensive road and motorway network, and underground connection.
The Regus centre offers a prominent address at the heart of Chaoyang, the central business and finance district and most sought after location for businesses operating in Beijing. It is home to many embassies and leading Chinese companies, plus multi-national companies such as Nokia, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Boeing, Mitsubishi, Beijing International Airport is only a 25 minute drive away and there is easy access to the extensive road and motorway network, and underground connection.
Modern Contemporary Exterior of MACBA Museum
It's quite unusual to see the plaza in front of Richard Meiers MACBA museum completely devoid of people as it's become a popular skateboarding spot.
Exterior Design of MACBA
This shot of Richard Meiers MACBA in Barcelona seems to be quite random and abstract but it is created from a very rational floor plan.
"The Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, or MACBA) is situated in the Plaça dels Àngels, in El Raval, Ciutat Vella, Barcelona, Spain.
It was designed by Richard Meier & Partners (1987-1995). The building’s architectural style has strong references to Modernism. This large (120 by 35 meters) white building has much of its southern elevation glazed, providing the visitor with views across the plaza, and allowing natural light into the interior. It includes a La Central library, specialized in art books and publications." Source : Wikipedia
Georgian Houses Exterior
Pretty grand, and of course that was the intention. Baths Georgian houses were largely built by speculative developers like John Wood the elder and John Wood the younger. I wonder what they would think if they knew how much these houses are worth now.
' "The Circus" consists of three long, curved terraces designed by the elder John Wood to form a circular space or theatre intended for civic functions and games. The games give a clue to the design, the inspiration behind which was the Colosseum in Rome.
Like the Colosseum, the three façades have a different order of architecture on each floor: Doric on the ground level, then Ionic on the piano nobile and finishing with Corinthian on the upper floor, the style of the building thus becoming progressively more ornate as it rises. Wood never lived to see his unique example of town planning completed, as he died five days after personally laying the foundation stone on May 18, 1754.' (Source : Wikipedia)
' "The Circus" consists of three long, curved terraces designed by the elder John Wood to form a circular space or theatre intended for civic functions and games. The games give a clue to the design, the inspiration behind which was the Colosseum in Rome.
Like the Colosseum, the three façades have a different order of architecture on each floor: Doric on the ground level, then Ionic on the piano nobile and finishing with Corinthian on the upper floor, the style of the building thus becoming progressively more ornate as it rises. Wood never lived to see his unique example of town planning completed, as he died five days after personally laying the foundation stone on May 18, 1754.' (Source : Wikipedia)
Custom House Exterior
Exeter lies about 10 miles inland from Exmouth so you might be surprised to learn it once had a thriving port. Now it's a pleasant place to spend an afternoon by the river, full of cafes, bars and antique shops.
La Pedrera Building Exterior
The nickname of Gaudis Casa MIla, 'The Quarry' seems quite apt. The building looks like it's been carved from a solid lump of rock rather than built up stone by stone.
Exterior Timber Framed Building
Near the Topkapi Palace there's an area of elegant timber framed buildings. Or so I thought. It turns out that having been destroyed by an earthquake they were re-built with concrete frames.
The wish list
Namanya juga harapan, saya ndak tahu apa ini nanti bisa kesampaian. Dua mobil ini menjadi daftar pencarian/restorasi saya berikutnya. Sebenarnya keduanya sudah ada persetujuan dari pemilik sekarang, tapi berhubung project Capri dan Datsun 1200 ute saya masih di tengah jalan maka saya bingung mau disimpan dimana:(
Alhasil, saya harus tanya sana sini dimana mesti merombak bahan2 ini. Keduanya punya karakter berbeda yang satu offroad vintage, satunya lagi sport classic. Perlu 2 bengkel yang beda. Sebenarnya ada pandangan beberapa tempat, tapi kendala lagi di budget.....ha ha.
Dali Museum Exterior
The heart of the museum was the building that housed the town's theatre when Dalí was a child, and where one of the first public exhibitions of young Dalí's art was shown. The old theater was bombed in the Spanish Civil War and remained in a state of ruin for decades until Dalí and the mayor of Figueres decided to rebuild it as a museum dedicated to the town's most famous son in 1960. The museum also occupies buildings and courtyards adjacent to the old theater building.
Ketabrak Motor

sebelom kejadian

sesudah kejadian
Yah ampuun!! Akhirnyah gw mengalami jg kejadian kayaq gini.. Soal nyah slama ini gw cm liat di film2”. Hhha.. Duwhh, msh sawan neh gw. Ngeri bgt deh td!!
Crita nyah kan abis nge-take project fisika, dan lokasi nyah di rmh gw lg.. Bareng Edtha ma Sayori. Slesai ituh, skalian lhaq qt mao nyobain PH yg baru.. Jd qt berencana naeq angkot. Walaupun sempet foto2” dlo di rmh gw sblom brgkt. Hhhah^^. Pas mao nyebrang, qt ngerasa nya sih udah aman ajh.. Ehh, tauq2” ada motor nyalip.. Dan kebetulan gw org yg paling pinggir, paling deket ma tuh motor.. Daan, terjadilah peristiwa tersebut!!
Untung nyah, gw msh dilindungi o/ karma baeq gw slama inieh.. Haduuuh, trima kasih tlah melindungi gw!! Untung cm kena blakang motor nya ajh, cm nyerempet dikidt siih.. Tp sumpah, gw gk knapa2”, gk luka sama skali.. Walaupun qttorg lgsg shock bgt! Akhirnyah bengong di jalanan.. Aplg Edtha, yg laen mah udh minggir, dy msh kaget ajh!! Hhhah^^. Dan yg gk tauk diri si pembawa motor ituh!! Bkn nyah minta maaf keq, malah ngacungin jari tengah! Nge-fuck qtorg gt lhaq.. Iih, apha siih llo??
Dan kata Edtha ma Sayori siih (soal nyah gw gk connect bgt wkt ituh, gk tauq hrz ngapaen), wkt gw ditabrak koq gw malah cuma “eh eh eh” doank?? Bukannya marah keq, triak keq gt? Ini mah nyantai bgt.. Yah abis gmn, gw jg gk nyangka bgt qlo tuh motor bakal nabrak gw?? Skrg gw tauq deh, qlo di film2” ituh knapa org yg mao ketabrak gk lgsg lari, tp malah dieem ajh bengong dlo. Krn mereka ituh kaget!! Dan reflek, malah bengong, bingung mo ngapaen.. Hhhah^^, biasa nya mah qlo nonton film kyq gt, gw yg heboh sendiri. Pikir gw, “ne org lolok bgt bknnyah menghindar gt? Malah bengong!!”.. Dan skrg gw udh bisa maklumin ituh!! Hhho^^
Akhirnyah qt tetep jd ke PH, tp dgn lbh sawan.. Jd qlo mo nyebrang, pasti inget2” kejadian td deh.. Pulang nya jg qt foto2” lg. Jd kalian bisa membandingkan before and after kejadian dari foto2” itu. Hhhah^^. Stlh wkt nya tepat, gw critain ke bokap nyokap dan 2 pentol korek (wkt gw pergi, nyokap bokap lg gk di rumah, jd mereka gk tauk). Mbok yg sempet ngeliat kejadiannyah jg ikut2” ngomong, sok jd saksi jg neh. Dyorg kaget, walaupun agak marah ma gw jg siih. Koq bisa gk hati2” gt? Tp yahh, gpp.. Krn udh ngalamin kejadian gt pun, gw udh lumayan shock! Pokoq nyah, bzk ada crita deh di skolah.. Hhho.
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