As a bad student

I never know the information all about OSPEK before, whereas all matriculants are know about that . I worried that I don’t understand anything in August 2 tomorrow, so I come to faculty of dentistry campus today. Even I know it from the mothers that take their children there. Ckckck, i’m really a bad matriculant!

Pas hari ini juga mami gw balik lagi ke Lampung. Yahh, ditinggal deh gw. Kan mami gw tuh berangkat jam 11an, jadi yah gw tungguin dong sampe jam 10an baru deh gw ke kampus buat pre-OSPEK. Dan ternyata di hari pertama gw ke kampus ini gw telat! Udah gak tau apa2, trus telat! Ehh senior2 nya ngotak bener lagi. Jadi ada mbak2 gitu deh di depan pintu, interogasi gw dgn se-jutek-jutek-nya,

“siang kali kau dtg?” (logat medan emang gitu)

“iya kak, saya gak tau tempat nya, tadi muter2 dulu.” (padahal sih emang gw telat)

“kok temen2 nya tau?”

“wah, gak tau jg deh.”

“yaudah sana masuk!”

Dan ternyata rese nya senior gak sampe situ doang. Di dalem kelas tuh berjejer senior laki2, yg gaya nya udah tengil abis!

“heh, kamu knapa?”

“maap pak, saya telat”

Trus dia melototin gw gitu deh, sambil ngelirik2 ke temen nya. Kayak nya dia gak terima gw panggil ‘pak’. Abis, tampangnya kayak udah om2 gitu sih, wajar kan kalo gw kira dia dosen. Hahhaha!

“hah, kau panggil aku apa tadi? 'Pak'?!!”

Untung gw pinter bohong, “lho kok ‘pak’? Kan tadi saya bilang ‘kak’!”

Hahaa, sukurin lo gw bohongin, padahal kan emang 'Pak' tadi. Ehh dia percaya aja lagi! Hahaha, senior apasih dia bisa dibohongin junior kayak gw? Dua kali deh senior kena! Hahhaaa. Oh iya, sebelum nya perlu kalian tau, kalo disini biasa nya manggil ‘Bang’, bukan nya ‘Kak’. Tapi yah udah terlanjur gitu, kan harus bohong. Hahaha.

“oooh, kakak! Yaudah sana kau duduk, cari tempat kosong! Memang sabtu kmaren kau gak datang ya ksini?”

"nggak kak, saya kan dari luar daerah"

"oh yaudah2"

Selebih nya cuma bla bla bla, bawa sgala macem buat OSPEK. Huahh, mau bales dendam nih senior! Masa kita disuruh bawa yg aneh2 gitu. Trus mulai pembagian kelompok, kenalan gimana2. Yah, gw setelah ngobrol2, ternyata bkn cuma gw orang luar daerah. Ada yg dari Bandung, Jakarta, Jawa, Palembang, Riau, Padang, macem2 lah. Walaupun Lampung cuma gw sendiri. trus pas senior2 itu tau gw dr Lampung, mereka agak kaget gitu.

“ooh kau dari lampung? Sendirian?”

Ihh,knapa sih heboh amat? Emang aneh yaa?
Emang parah2 deh mereka, gak tau lah apa pikirannya. Mana ngomen trus kerjaan nya, teriak2, marah2, buset pantes aja cepet tua Bang!

Temen2 baru gw, kan tau nya nama gw Dress. Yah seperti biasa, mereka langsung senyum aneh2 gitu deh, tau nama gw sama dengan nama pakaian. Hehhee, lucu ya gw!

Di kost sekarang baru berasa sendiri nya karena gak ada mami lagi. Aduuh, repot! Btw, sorry nih Bang kalo2 ada senior gw yg baca blog ini. Seenggak nya mereka tau kalo tadi udah 2x gw bohongin. Hehheee. Apakah besok mereka masih bisa gw bohongin? Hahaha, tunggu aja!

PS: ternyata senior yg gw panggil ‘Pak’ tadi adalah KETUA SENAT! Hahhaa, nah lo!

I'm in the boading house

Halo, gw udah pindah di tempat kost lho! Hahaha, jadi deh anak kost-an. Wahh, susaah bener nih nyari tempat kost yg bener2 bagus, bersih gitu. Asli disini rata2 rada jorok smua gitu. Memang biaya nya sih relatif lebih murah daripada di Serpong yah, tapi kualitas nya kok? Asal abis!

Tapi untung nya gw dpt kost yg rada ‘lumayan’. Kurang puas jg sih gw sbenernya, tapi ini tuh udah yg paling mending daripada yg laen2. Yah mau gak mau lah nerima jg. Meskipun harus ngebersihin sendiri, ngebenahin lagi sendiri. Aduuh, untung deh ada nyokap yg bantu2 gw. Intinya, selama kuliah ini gw bakal hidup prihatin. Gak ada AC, gak ada water heatter, gak ada pembantu, gak ada mobil, gak ada dispenser, gak makan makanan bergizi (apalagi?). Oke, gw pasti bisa mandiri disini! I will survive.

Jadilah beberapa hari ini kita sibuk sana-sini beli perabotan. Mana registrasi kampus blom beres2 lagi! Ngantri trus, rame bener mahasiswa nya sih. Setiap hari tuh yaa, kita pergi pagi2, pulang malem. Trus mandi bentar, keluar lagi cari makan sambil cari2 perabot jg. Sampe mall malem2, kita udah belanja yg lari2an gitu deh, pada diusir2in toko udah mau tutup. Hahha, parah sibuk!

Tentang kost-an:

Kost gw gak jauh dari USU, di gang yg namanya Gg.Senggol . Hahha, bukan ding, tapi Gg. Sehat! Oke bener kan nama gang nya? Maka nya gw jadi ngerasa berkewajiban mejaga kesehatan gw! Hehhee, warga gg.sehat gitu lhoo! Ehh ternyata, banyak org Malaysia yg nge-kost disitu, dan rata2 Malaysia keturunan India. Huuuahh, gw chinesse Indonesia sendiri agak nya. Sempet ngobrol2 dikit sama mereka, smoga besok2 jadi lbh akrab, skalian latihan bhs inggris. Dan mereka juga kuliah di USU jurusan Kedokteran ama Kedokteran gigi lho! Bagus deh ada senior gw brarti. Hhaha.
Dan hal yg bikin seru di sini yaitu, PEMANDANGAN NYA! Di depan kost-an gw masa ada sawah nya. Iya beneran! Jadi berasa kayak di desa2 gitu deh. Hahha, keren2.

Kira2 begini lah tempat kost gw:

 di depannya ada SAWAH!

Kesimpulan nya, perubahan hidup gw adalah sbb:

- DULU rumah gw di pinggir jalan raya
- SEKARANG tempat tinggal gw di ujung gang, paling pojok, depan sawah!

- DULU baju gw dicuciin bibi
- SEKARANG gw nyuci sendiri sedikit, selebihnya di laundry, hhahaa.

- DULU gw pake mobil
- SEKARANG gw pake motor, walaupun baru bisa.

- DULU kamar gw ber-AC
- SEKARANG kamar gw ber-kipas angin!

- DULU gw sebagai siswi
- SEKARANG gw jadi mahasiswi

- DULU gw minum langsung dari dispenser
- SEKARANG gw minum harus dipompa dulu.

- DULU gw maen tenis di luar
- SEKARANG gw bakal maen di klub kampus

Tapi jelas, gw jadi mandiri disini. Hehehe. Now it's time to face the real competition called LIFE!

Vanessa Hudgens

Starting at the age of eight, Vanessa Hudgens performed in musical theater as a singer, and appeared in local productions of Carousel, The Wizard of Oz, The King and I, The Music Man, and Cinderella, among others. Two years after her career in stage plays and musicals, Vanessa Hudgens started auditioning for commercials and television shows, and her family moved to Los Angeles after she won a role in a television commercial. Her acting career started at the age of 15, and Vanessa Hudgens was not able to finish high school in Orange County High School of the Arts, after being home schooled by tutors.

Start sosializing

So, my FB’s status today is:
“hope this day can help me to get the new experience!”

And apparently, I’ve got a new experience. Haha, not really. I mean the new friends, new environment, new atmosphere, something like that. I like socializing, and I like trying some activities that I’ve never met before.

Some people felt sorry because I go to Medan. They asked me,
“why did you choose Jakarta or Java to continuing your study? It’s too far right? And the quality is below than in Jakarta”

Yahh, maybe they don’t know why I’m here, how my struggle. It’s very hard to pass the state university, although in North Sumatera! And I’m very grateful to continue my study here. USU isn’t bad I think.

Overall, Medan is fair enough for me. I already met some PATRIA members and some teenagers in Cetiya Mahasampatti today. There are Ko Hery and Ko Andy here, that help me to know they all (it’s recommendation from ci Irma, thank’s to you all!). They are very friendly. Althought I can’t speak Hokkien Languange. So pity me! And I met my seniors too in FKG USU! Wow, what a very good news! At least, I know them before OSPEK. Heeheehee.

 Mahasampatti isn't large as Svarnadipa, but I really salute with the members!
They have many programs there.

But I can’t join their programs today, because me and Mom must take care of the equipments for the boarding house. I hope next Monday I can join them after it's done , I will.

2010 Honda Cars Civic Hybrid 1.3-liter 4-cylinder Engine with IMA

Looks like a Civic, drives like a Civic, but achieves better gas mileage than a regular Civic. In a nutshell, that's the Civic hybrid, one of the best cars for highway commuters according to Forbes Magazine. Honda's second generation hybrid Civic offers improved city fuel economy, and an incredibly better body design with softer, sleeker design cues. And within 2 - 3 years, the Civic hybrid will make another upgrade, when it switches from NiMH battery technology to lithium-ion technology, which could provide Civic hybrid-like performance, but at a cheaper cost. And, despite some complaints over mileage, particularly in city traffic, most Civic hybrid owners are very happy with the gas mileage of their hybrid Civics.

2010 Hamann Sports Cars Ferrari California F149

World premiere at the 63rd Frankfurt Motor Show - the HAMANN tuning programme for the Ferrari California F149. HAMANN unveiled the 2010 HAMANN Ferrari California program at this year's Frankfurt Motor Show. The HAMANN Ferrari California is powered by a standard 4.3 liter V8 engine that develops 460 hp which 20% more than standard. The extra horses of the HAMANN Ferrari California comes from a re-programmed ECU and a new sport exhaust system.

Lotus Sports Cars Evora Type 124 Endurance Racecar

Proton-owned and British-based sports car maker Lotus has announced the Evora Type 124 Endurance Racecar (pronounced One Twenty Four). Based on the Evora road car, it is powered by a mid-mounted Toyota V6 powerplant. The engine is race-tuned and can output over 400PS, depending on race regulations. The power unit is linked to a 6 speed sequential transmission with steering wheel-mounted paddle shifters. It can weigh less than 1,200 kg, again depending on race regulations, thanks to an aluminium chassis, very strong lightweight forged aluminium wishbones and lightweight composite and carbon fiber panels.

Lotus Sports Cars Evora Type 124 Endurance Racecar
The Lotus Evora Type 124 Endurance Racecar has been developed from the award-winning Evora road car and is built to FIA regulations and safety standards. Based on the standard Evora road car, the Evora Type 124 (pronounced One Twenty-four) will make its 24 hour racing debut at the ADAC Nurburgring 24 hours race. According to Lotus, the Evora was designed for racing from the start and this made it very easy for the team to convert the Evora into a racecar, thanks to the mid-engine layout, stiff bonded aluminium chassis and lightweight forced aluminium wishbones for the suspension.

Jaguar Luxury Sports Cars New XK-S

Jaguar will be launched a new XK limited edition model this month, the Jaguar XK-S. Like every Jaguar to carry the XK badge, the XK-S is all about performance with style – plus a large helping of individuality. The Jaguar XK-S offers its own spin on the 4.2 liter V8 XK in coupe form.

Suspected car bomb found in Times Square

Police evacuated part of Times Square after finding a suspected car bomb in the busy midtown Manhattan district Saturday night, media reports said.

Officials said it was not considered to be a terrorist threat, and New York City police reportedly asked federal authorities to stand down.

The New York Times quoted an explosives' expert saying it was an improvised device using propane cylinders and powder, but the ignition source 'failed to function the main charge'.

Kevin Barry, a former supervisor in the New York City police bomb squad, speculated that if it had functioned 'it would be more of an incendiary event' than an explosion, the Times reported.

The explosive materials were discovered about 6.30 p.m. by a mounted police officer who saw a box with smoke pouring from it in the back of a Nissan Pathfinder, officials said.

German car exports up by nearly half in May

An industry group says German car exports saw another strong year-on-year rise in May _ increasing by nearly half as global demand recovers.

The VDA group said Wednesday that Germany exported 367,700 cars last month _ an increase of 46 percent compared with May 2009. That followed a 58 percent rise in April.

Sales in Germany itself have been slipping in year-on-year terms for months after a popular government car-scrapping program expired.

That trend continued in May. Some 252,800 new cars were registered in Germany _ 34 percent fewer than a year earlier. They were down nearly 32 percent in April.

VDA said the healthy export performance helped push up production _ which rose 10 percent on the year to 470,100.

CAr speed style modification

Car Bugatti EB 110

BMW X3 2011

picape nova bmw x3 tuning rebaixada
Aproveitando o lançamento da nova BMW X3 2011, fiz uma montagem transformando o utilitário numa picape esportiva.

Dessa forma, a picape BMW X3 ganhou uma rebaixada em sua suspensão, novo jogo de rodas esportivas, pintura exclusiva, alargamento da carroceria, bodykit esportivo etc, como principais alterações.

Peugeot 3008 Crossover

Peugeot has released the first official photos and details of the all-new 3008 compact crossover. The five-seater 3008 is more of a pug than a stud – at slightest in what concerns its exterior styling.

Peugeot officials said that it is positioned “at the crossroads between numerous free vehicles like the SUV, the MPV and track.” Something like an automotive varied grille in other language. The 3008′s most next rival seems to be the Nissan Qashqai cross, which has proven pretty successful in Europe.

Read more (details + photo)!!

Inside, the Pug skin a very nicely styled dash that looks suspiciously akin in goal with the Audi R8. As you’d demand from a French crossover, the 3008′s cubicle is honestly versatile and it includes an array of storage places with an entire valuable amount of nearly 50 liters. The encumber region (512lt under the packet ledge) is accessible through a tear tailgate that divides into two parts. Notably, it can be compartmentalized gratitude to a stagger with a 3-way height adjustment.

Europeans will be able to take among seven different powetrain options. For 2009, these involve: a 110HP 1.6-liter diesel with a 6-momentum physical gearbox or an electronically-controlled handbook gearbox; a 150HP 2.0-liter diesel with a 6-haste handbook gearbox; a 163HP 2.0-liter diesel mated to a 6-tempo sure transmission; a 120HP 1.6-liter gasoline engine hooked up to a 5-haste guidebook gearbox and a 1.6-liter turbocharged petrol thing with 150 or 156HP that’s mated to a 6-rush physical gearbox.

Sharing its platform with the Peugeot 308 C-segment tailgate, the 3008 crossover will primarily be unfilled exclusively with front-circle ambition. Peugeot does however deal a faux off-path embalm called “Grip Control” that consists of 16-inch M+S (Mud & Snow) tires and intelligent footing oppress. According to the French automakers own words, this container “gives the vehicle a genuine ability to overcome testing situations where the wheels have little grip.”

Those sharp for an all-sweep oblige account will have to linger awaiting the presentation of the Peugeot-Citroen PSA Group’s first pattern to be equipped with HYbrid4 technology. To be launched by 2011 the latest, the 3008 HYbrid4 will cartel a traditional engine that powers the front-wheels with a thrilling motor located under the burden quarter stagger near the hinge that drives the rear wheels.

Peugeot said that this technology will not only add all-wheel maneuver capabilities to the archetype, but it will also slash fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by around 35%. At the Paris Motor Show, the Prologue HYbrid4 belief car was unfilled with a 2.0 litre HDi FAP engine with an intensity of 163HP and an electric motor with a most space of 27 kW (37HP) for a total nation of 200HP and a limit torque of 300 Nm at the front and 200 Nm at the rear. The fuel consumption of this example in the united rotation was estimated at being only 4.1 liters/100 km (57.4mpg U.S.), with CO2 emissions of just 109 g/km.

2011 Mercedes CLS with AMG package spied

2011 Mercedes CLS with AMG package spied

2012 new Honda Civic spotted in Germany

2012 Honda Civic spotted in Germany

Postingan di negeri orang

Jadi juga pindah ke kota orang. Mulai hari ini, gw gak makan masakan mbok lagi, gak tidur dgn bantal guling gw lagi, dan nyasar sendirian disini. Aduuhh, smoga aja gw bisa survive yaaa.

Paling parah, gak ada temen ngobrol deh ntar. Oke, skarang sih masih ada mami nemenin bentar. Tapi nanti kalo gw udah ditinggal? Hahahaa, lucu bener emang, manja amat sih lo dress! Jadi mungkin, selanjutnya gw bakal cerita2 kehidupan gw di Medan sama blog ini aja kali yaa. Selamat jadi pendengar setia deh. Hhehee.

Hari pertama sampe di Medan, gw blom bisa cerita banyak nih. Masih jet leg gitu deh (duuh, sok bener cuma ke Medan doang, emang luar negeri lo!) Hehheee. Yah, sempet cuaca buruk sih tadi di pesawat, jadi goyang2 bener lah ngeri! Untung pilot nya jago.

Yg jelas gw harus cpt nyelesaiin sgala urusan disini, dan cari temen2 baru. Besok gw mau nyelesaiin administrasi nya di Gelanggang Mahasiswa USU (bakal gimana tampangnya gelanggang mahasiswa itu ya?). Dan mungkin gw bakal nge-sms beberapa org yg dirokemendasiin di Medan sama temen2 kenalan2 gw, yah mulai bersosialisasi gitu deh agak nya. Hahahaa.

Kayak kata pepatah:
“dimana bumi berpijak, disitu langit dijunjung.”

Pepatah yg sangat bijak, gw akan patuhi. Jadi mulai skarang gw akan menjujung kota medan. Horas bah! Hehehee, apasih gw.

Tadi sih sbelum berangkat gw udah pamitan sama temen2 gw di Lampung. Dan gw terharu bgt baca balesan mereka. Aduuh, sedih deh kangen mereka smua. Dadah lampung! Maybe I’ll back 1 year later. Will miss u always, Lampung. Muacch!

Become a dentist!

Gak ada yg tau bakal seperti apa masa depan. Bisa aja suatu rencana yg udah mateng, beubah tiba2. Kadang merasa udah yakin pun sebenernya kita masih kurang yakin. Hahaa, jadi ngawur gini deh gw!

Berhubungan sama post gw kemaren, tentang kuliah. Wahh, masih speechless deh gw!

Apakah kalian masih berpikir gw jadi kuliah di SGU dan bakal jadi insinyur?

Hehehee, jawabannya TIDAK!

Karena tadi pagi, gw tau bahwa akhirnya gw diterima di Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. Gila nih bener2! Asli gw kaget bgt dong. Sccara selama ini gw daftar PTN trus gak ada yg lolos. Padahal selama ini niat bener gw. Ehh, di USU yg terakhir, yg sebenernya gw udah niat gak niat, dan udah sedikit putus asa (gw pikir masuk syukur bgt, gak masuk yah bodo) tau2 malah masuk! Lagi beruntung aja gw.

Apakah gw seneng?

Masalah nya adalah: Gw gak tau apa harus seneng atau nggak!

Ini persoalan baru kayaknya. Ini tuh jadi semacam dilemma gitu buat gw. Di satu sisi, gw udah mateng bakal ke SGU. Udah nyari kost-an, mikirin transport, gabung di forum, nyari2 temen dari internet (udah sempet SMS-an malah!). Pokoknya gw gak pernah mikir bakal masuk lah di USU. Gw udah bisa nerima ikhlas kalo pun gw gak bisa masuk di PTN. Tapi sekarang, USU menerima gw dan bawa harapan lg gitu ke gw. Ihh, ngomong apa ya gw ini? Tapi beneran deh, gw jadi bingung lagi. Gw suka teknik industri, tapi gw jg suka jadi dokter gigi. Tapi gak mungkin dua2 nya dong? Salah satu hrs dikorbanin. Gw harus pilih mana coba?

Ini yg bikin gw kaget! yakin tuh nama gw?

Yah gw masih kaget banget memang. Trus gw ngomong ama bokap nyokap, dan mereka menyarankan gw ngambil kedokteran gigi aja. Sebenernya sih gw takut gak enak ngebebanin org tua (kedokteran gitu, biaya pasti gak sedikit). Tapi sekali lg ortu meyakinkan gw bahwa mereka bisa men-support sepenuhnya. Oke, akhirnya gw jadi di USU! Dan tadi gw ngurusin administrasi segala macem deh, trus pamitan sama anak2 tenis di PTP.

Dan setelah gw cek kalender akademis nya, ternyata mulai kuliah tuh tgl 2 Agustus! Wahh, sebenernya sih gw mau ikut English course tuh di SGU. Tapi yaudah lah, takdir gw memang bkn di SGU ternyata. Hehee. Asli, gw blom siap bgt ninggalin Lampung, kampung halaman gw ini. Huuaahhhh…

Padahal masih byk yg mau gw kerjakan disini, misalnya:

- bikin pancake
- belajar motor
- bikin SIM motor
- jadi nasabah bank
- ganti grip raket
- ke Museum Lampung
- jalan bareng temen2
- ke SMP gw skalian ke SMA lama, mau pamitan (ini dari dulu pas lulus itu)
- pamitan ke anak2 Gauss, temen2 tennis, vihara
- menikmati bantal dan guling gw (dadah, pisah deh kita!)

masih banyak deh pokok nya! Tapi mau gimana lah, gw berangkat Jumat ini gitu. Dan gw belom ngurus yg macem2 sampe skarang. Aduuhh, gw belum siap!

>>>  Wahh, gw harus packing sekarang!

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor and film producer. Leonardo DiCaprio's first role was on the sitcom Growing Pains, but his breakthrough film performance came in This Boy's Life. This was quickly followed by What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Leonardo DiCaprio's performance as the mentally handicapped brother of Gilbert (Johnny Depp) brought him nominations for the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

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