2010 LUXGEN Cars New Luxgen7 SUV 2.2-litre Turbocharged
Halloween Party
Well, I went to Halloween party yesterday, at campus ISTP Medan (Pardede Hall). I never go to events like this before, because there's no event in my hometown. But I heard in Medan, there are some parties on Halloween Day.
My costume was:
Audi A1 Versi AC Milan

Produsen mobil asal Jerman tersebut sejak beberapa tahun belakangan memang menjadi salah satu sponsor klub yang bermarkas di kota Milan, Italia ini dan secara teratur memberikan mobil kepada para pemain.
Tapi kali ini, Audi seperti dIkutip dari Autoevolution, Senin (25/10/2010) ingin melangkah lebih jauh dengan menghadirkan mobil yang terinspirasi dari warna-warna yang identik dengan AC Milan seperti merah dan hitam.
Untuk bagian eksteriornya, selain dilabur warna merah dan hitam, di mobil yang diperkuat mesin 1.4 liter dengan S-Tronic ini juga terdapat lambang Rossoneri yang sangat identik dengan klub yang bermarkas di stadion San Siro tersebut.
Belum lama ini, Audi memberikan sebuah Audi A1 versi AC Milan ini kepada bek Massimo Oddo yang memenangkan kompetisi balap antar pemain AC Milan di Monza.
Selain itu, lahirnya mobil ini juga menandai perpanjangan perjanjian sponsor antara Audi dan AC Milan. Di perjanjian baru, sekitar 65 kendaraan akan dikirimkan oleh Audi ke klub dan para pemainnya, antara lain RS5, RS6 Avant, Q5, Q7 dan A4 Allroad.
Vorax, Supercar Dari Brasil

Rencananya mobil sport yang dikeluarkan oleh Rossin-Bertin ini akan dirilis pada pameran mobil di Sao Paulo, Brasil tidak lama lagi dan akan mengedepankan penggunaan material yang lebih ringan.
Penggunaan material yang ringan ini menjadi daya tarik tersendiri dari Vorax. Dengan sasis terbuat dari aluminium dan tubuh dari serat karbon, Vorax menjelma manjadi mobil sport dengan bobot yang sangat ringan.
Bayangkan saja, sasis yang menopang tubuh Vorax yang akan diproduksi di Blumenau bobotnya hanya 220 kg saja. "Kalau terbuat dari baja, bobotnya akan tiga kali lebih berat," ungkap Manajer Produksi Vorax Reginaldo Otsu seperti dikutip dari koran lokal A Tribuna, Senin (25/10/2010).
Komponen aluminium sendiri menguasai tubuh Vorax dan mencapai persentase hingga 60 persen dari 5.000 komponen yang ada di tubuh Vorax. Untuk pelek roda 20 inci yang menopang Vorax misalnya.
"Kami sedang berupaya untuk membuat berat mereka antara 6 dan 9 kg, sementara roda normal beratnya 12 kg untuk ukuran ini," kata CEO Rossin-Bertin, Fharys Rossin, yang juga merancang mobil.
Untuk urusan dapur pacu, mobil yang memiliki berat total 1.300 kg ini menggendong dua pilihan mesin yakni V10 berkapasitas 5.0 liter yang digunakan pada versi penutup M5 dan akan menghasilkan tenaga sebesar 570 hp.
Sementara yang ingin merasakan tenaga yang lebih ganas, Rossin-Bertin juga menyediakan mesin yang sudah dilengkapi dengan dua supercharger hingga mesin tersebut pun mampu memuntahkan tenaga sampai 750 hp.
Dalam pengujian virtual, Vorax mampu berakselerasi dari diam sampai 100 km per jam hanya dalam waktu 3,8 detik saja dan memiliki topspeed hingga 330 km per jam. Sedangkan pada varian dengan supercharger tentu memiliki kecepatan yang lebih tinggi dari versi 'biasa' tadi.
Untuk akselerasinya, mobil bertenaga 750 hp itu mampu melaju dalam waktu 3,6 detik untuk mencapai kecepatan 100 km per jam dengan kecepatan puncak mencapai 372 km per jam.
Rencananya mobil ini akan mulai diproduksi pada akhir 2011 dan awal 2012 dalam jumlah yang terbatas yakni antara 500 dan 1.000 unit saja dengan perkiraan harga jual mulai dari US$ 700.000 atau sekitar Rp 6,25 miliar.
Wajah Baru Ford Focus Lebih Elegan dan Sporty

Acara launching Ford Focus terbaru yang dilangsungkan di Mall Pondok Indah 2 ini mempertahankan 'kinetic design' nya yang dramatis. Dengan air intake berbentuk trapesium besar di bawah garis bumper yang baru serta dominasi upper grille bagian depan memberikan kendaraan ini bentuk atletis yang khas. Tampilan ini juga semakin memperkuat model Focus sport 5 pintu, dengan desain bumper depan dan belakang baru, juga lampu kabutnya.
Tiga fitur terbaru yang semakin membuat pengemudi menjadi lebih nyaman, juga disertakan di dalam Focus terbaru yang memang sudah memiliki reputasi akan kecanggihan dan kecerdasan teknologi. Ini termasuk Rain Sensing Wipers, Auto Headlamps, dan Auto Dimming Rear View Mirror serta jok elektrik yang semakin melengkapi Focus sebgai mobil dengan pengendalian terbaik di segmennya.
"New Ford Focus menyajikan tampilan dinamis dan fitur-fitur teknologi cerdas yang biasanya hanya ditemukan pada mobil mewah. Hal tersebut semakin melengkapi eksterior yang sekarang lebih ekspresif dan menawarkan kecanggihan yang lebih namun dengan harga sama," kata Will Angove, Presiden Direktur Ford Motor Indonesia.
New Focus tersedia dengan dua pilihan mesin yang irit bahan bakar. Yaitu mesin bensin - 1.8 liter Duratec E20 yang mampu mengomsumsi 20% bio-etanol dan mesin diesel 2.0 liter Duratorq TDCi. Ford Focus 1.8 liter dipersenjatai dengan sistem transmisi Sequential Sport Shift otomatis sedangkan Focus TDCi dengan sistem transmisi enam percepatan PowerShift dual-clutch.
New Focus terus menawarkan performa, pengendalian, dan keiritan bahan bakar di dalam mesin verslinder empat. Focus TDCi turbodiesel dengan transmisi PowerShift memberikan keiritan bahan bakar yang terbaik pada kelasnya yaitu 17.2 km/l.
Focus juga menawarkan pendingin udara dual-zone otomatis serta kursi elektrik yang tersedia di kursi pengemudi dan penumpang depan. AUX input untuk menghubungkan MP3 player ke sistem audio juga disematkan di dalam mobil ini.
New Ford Focus hadir dengan 2 varian, yaitu :
1. New Ford Focus 5 pintu 2.0L TDCi AT Sport - Rp. 342.200.000,- OTR Jakarta
2. New Ford Focus 5 pintu 1.8L AT Comfort - Rp.240.000.000,- OTR Jakarta
New Ford Focus juga hadir dengan 6 pilihan warna, termasuk Diamond White, Panther Black, Moondust Silver, Chill, Tonic and Ocean.
Dengan segala keistimewaan dan kelebihannya Ford Focus hadir di tengah-tengah anda untuk menunjukkan kendaraan ini sangat layak bagi anda semua penikmat otomotif yang cerdas dan sporty.
So, tunggu apalagi segera miliki mobil penuh sensasi ini untuk menyempurnakan nuansa tahun baru anda semakin bersinar terang kala menjalani liburan panjang dengan mengendarai New Ford Focus.
Daftar Mobil Bebas Masalah

Dalam survei di AS yang digelar Consumer Reports, produsen Jepang rupanya masih yang teratas dalam daftar.
Pabrikan seperti Toyota dan Honda melalui berbagai mereknya masih dianggap sebagai mobil yang paling bebas masalah. Tapi awas, dua pabrikan Amerika Ford dan GM mulai menyusul.
Ford dan GM terus mempersempit jarak dengan pabrikan Asia tersebut dalam hal kualitas daya tahan mobil-mobil mereka, sehingga perbaikan beberapa tahun terakhir ini membuat merek mereka dianggap sebagai mobil bebas masalah.
Beberapa model tersendiri dari Ford memiliki kualitas lebih baik dari Toyota. Kebangkitan Ford terus dilakukan sejak lima tahun lalu, yang dipimpin oleh sedan menengah Ford Fusion. Ford peringkat 10, bangkit dari tahun lalu yang berperingkat 16.
GM pun tak mau kalah. Sebanyak 69 model GM dianggap memiliki kehandalan yang lebih baik, naik dari sebelumnya yang hanya 21 model, dengan Chevrolet sebagai merek GM teratas diperingkat 17, naik dari sebelumnya di peringkat 25.
Apalagi hal tersebut diperkuat dengan tindakan GM yang membuang merek-merek yang dianggap berkualitas rendah seperti Saturnus, Hummer dan Pontiac, dan menggantinya dengan model yang lebih baik seperti Chevrolet Equinox dan Buick Lacrosse.
Sementara Toyota, dalam tiga tahun berturut-turut selalu mengandalkan merek Scion sebagai mobil paling sedikit masalah berada di peringkat enam, turun dari tahun lalu di peringkat 3.
Scion, menjadi pemuncak karena menjual hanya tiga model, xD hatchback, xB wagon dan tC coupe. Model-model ini belum diubah sehingga memiliki masalah yang lebih sedikit.
Peringkat Scion diikuti oleh Porsche, Acura, Honda, dan Nissan Infiniti. Sedangkan Lexus, yang telah menjadi mobil terbaik ditahun terakhir ini, jatuh ke posisi sembilan.
Toyota umumnya bernasib baik dalam survei yang melibatkan 960.000 konsumen ini, meskipun ada kasus recall lebih dari 10 juta unit di seluruh dunia untuk masalah keselamatan.
Selamatnya Toyota karena dalam survey tersebut, konsumen diminta untuk
mengabaikan kasus recall, kecuali mereka telah mengalami masalah karenanya, sebagaimana dilansir The Huffington Post, Kamis (28/10/2010).
Sementara Honda, adalah produsen mobil yang paling handal dan bebas masalah, dengan merek Honda dan Acura konsisten diperingkat atas dari hasil survei karena Honda terus melakukan penekanan lanjutan pada kualitasnya.
Chrysler menampilkan 27 merek dalam survey tersebut, dengan Jeep di rangking 20 dan Dodge di peringkat 24. Tapi, dari sekian banyak mereknya, tidak ada mobil-mobil Chrysler yang mencetak rangking di atas rata-rata dalam hal kehandalannya.
Berikut daftar mobil bebas masalah dari survei Consumer Reports
Rangking dan Merek:
1. Scion
2. Porsche
3. Acura
4. Honda
5. Infiniti
6. Toyota
7. Subaru
8. Volvo
9. Lexus
10. Ford
11. Hyundai
12. Mazda
13. KIA
14. Nissan
15. Lincoln
16. VW
17. Chevrolet
18. Buick
19. Cadillac
20. Jeep
21. GMC
22. Mercedes-Benz
23. BMW
24. Dodge
25. MINI
26. Audi
27. Chrysler
Alami Kerusakan Rem, Odyssey Ditarik Kembali

Honda juga mengonfirmasi adanya kemungkinan mobilnya mengalami kerusakan rem yang hampir sama dengan Toyota.
Seperti dikutip Leftlane, Jumat (22/10/2010) meski Honda belum melaporkan recall ini ke National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), namun perwakilan NHTSA Christina Ra sudah memastikan Honda akan melakukan langkah serupa, yakni merecall mobil karena minyak rem yang bocor.
Diyakini masalah ini muncul pada Odyssey dan sedan Acura RL keluaran tahun 2005-2007. Honda di AS sejauh ini sudah menjual 510.965 Odyssey, sedangkan sedan Acura RL mencapai 10.000 unit.
CBR 250 R, Terjangkau dan Menggiurkan

Harga itu merupakan harga CBR250R di Thailand. Dengan harga segitu dan desain menawan, CBR250R jadi terlihat menggiurkan.
Honda CBR250R sendiri dilepas dalam 2 tipe yakni tipe standar berharga 100 ribu Bath (30 juta) dan tipe full spec yang dilengkapi fitur ABS berharga 120 ribu Bath (Rp 35 jutaan).
Kedua tipe CBR250R tersebut sama-sama mengusung dimensi 2,035x0,720x1,125 meter (PxLxT) dan wheelbase 1,370 serta ground clearance 0,145 meter. Tapi beratnya, tipe full spec memiliki bobot 165 kg, sedangkan tipe standarnya lebih ringan 4 kg atau 161 kg.
Untuk dapur pacunya motor berkode Honda MC41 ini dibekali mesin CS250RE, liquid cooled, 4 tak DOHC dan single silinder yang memiliki kapasitas bersih 249 cc serta boreXstroke 76x55 dan rasio kompresi 10,7.
Mesin tersebut bersanding dengan transmisi 6 percepatan dan sistem injeksi khas Honda, programmed fuel injection system (PGM-FI) yang membuatnya ramah lingkungan dengan standar emisi Euro3.
"Target kami di seluruh dunia untuk model ini adalah lebih dari 60 ribu unit di 22 negara," ungkap Senior Managing Director Chief Operating Officer for Motorcycle Operations Honda Motor Co Mr. Tatsuhiro Oyama di sela peluncuran CBR250R di Grand Centara, Bangkok, Thailand.
Motor ini diproduksi oleh dua negara yakni India yang mensuplai CBR250R ke negara ASEAN, Jepang, Eropa, Amerika Utara dan Australia. Sementara sebuah pabrik lagi yang berada di India akan membombardir negeri Bollywood itu dan Amerika Selatan.
Sementara PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) yang memegang merek motor Honda di Indonesia pun sudah menyatakan minat membawa motor ini ke tanah air pada tahun depan. Sebagai permulaan, motor ini akan mereka pajang di pagelaran Jakarta MotorCycle Show yang akan dilangsungkan pada awal November 2010 mendatang.
Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport Racing Car
Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport set a new speed record for production cars: 431 km / h! All officially, all of the rules: in the presence of Germany’s technical inspection TUV and the Guinness Book factory pilot Pierre Henri Raphanel fulfilled races landfill Era-Lessin.
Arrivals were conducted in both directions, GPS showed 427, 933 km / h acceleration in one direction and 434, and 211 km / h in another. The end result is the arithmetic mean: 431 km / h. Bugatti engineers admitted that they are very satisfied with the alignment, as calculated by the number 425 km / h.
Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport aerodynamic
Engine Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport is increased to 1200 hp and maximum torque of 1500 Nm. The potential of the car have already demonstrated, but for cars on sale, the maximum speed limit at 415 km / h – more can not stand the tire.
In addition to the redesigned engine and chassis primarily for the sake of a safer pilot at high speeds: slightly increased the course of the suspension, installing more powerful stabilizers and shock absorbers for racing. Lateral acceleration Veyron Super Sport can reach 1.4G.
2010 BMW Z4 GT3 Sporty Design
GT3 BMW Z4, which is officially launched and completed the first test drive in early March, already enjoying great popularity among customers of BMW Motorsport. The first cars delivered to private teams, BMW will prepare them for use in national and international championships.
“Information about the BMW Z4 GT3 very positive,” said BMW Motorsport Director Mario Theissen. ‘Round these sports cars in the range of our products, and provides drivers and teams a chance to compete at the championships in accordance with the GT3 regulations – such as the FIA GT3 European Championship, the International GT Open or Masters ADAC GT – and 24-hour endurance “Next., The GT2 BMW M3, BMW 320si WTCC, which is consistent with the rules Super2000, GT4 and close to the production of the BMW M3 are available for teams of clients around the world by BMW Motorsport distributions.
2010 BMW Z4 GT3 - used car values
2010 BMW Z4 GT3 - aerodynamic design
BMW Z4 production model is impressive: with a long hood, wheel arches are lit, the long wheelbase and narrow projection, this car offers a unique look. BMW Motorsport engineers two passengers provide a good basis to develop close to GT3 racing car production.
The biggest difference between production and racing cars is under the hood while the production version of the BMW Z4 is powered by a six-cylinder engine, GT3 car is powered by a 4.0 liter eight-cylinder engine similar to units used in the BMW M3 GT2. This strong liver produces more than 480 HP. Its excellent performance and good torque curve and the basic machinery for the production version of the BMW M3 is destined to be used in motorsport.
2010 BMW Z4 GT3 - body design
2010 BMW Z4 GT3 - car stereo
2010 BMW Z4 GT3 - price list
2010 BMW Z4 GT3 - price values
2010 BMW Z4 GT3 - rear angle
Installing a V8 engine has a large influence on the development of the BMW Z4 GT3. Initially, the design review area is done by CATIA V5 design to place the machine in an ideal position and meet the specifications of race. The engineers then add all other components.
When it comes to electronics, private teams can expect BMW’s innovative solutions, which have been tried and tested in the GT2 BMW M3: ECU408 support the management of modern machines, while ‘electronic control units responsible for Power400 control all the actuators. Power is transmitted via a six-speed sequential gearbox with Quick Shift “function.
Wheels with central locking and security clips are also included in the shipment. In addition, the BMW Z4 GT3 also offers driver assistance systems, such as ABS and traction control expenditure, adopted by another car in the race for the range of customers, and then developed and modified for use in a GT3 car.
Front axle GT3 BMW Z4 with a new design, based on a series of concepts. It is equipped with a tubular stabilizer bar with the bar adjusted. Rear axle is designed as a longitudinal axis of the connection, such as the standard version of the BMW Z4. Steel body car from the BMW factory in Regensburg. Tues security very rigid, precision steel tubes and then welded into the body. V8 engine blocks produced in the BMW foundry in Landshut. BMW plant in Dingolfing help the rear wheel differential and driveshaft, among others.
During its development, the BMW Motorsport engineers work hand in hand in other fields with their counterparts in the production. This allows them access to the calculation of the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the aerodynamic design of cars. In addition, tests are also conducted in wind tunnels and on test benches BMW Group.
Front and rear wings, hood, roof, fenders and other components made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). The use of lightweight material, resistant to play a lot of weight GT3 BMW Z4 until the 1200 kilograms.
Like all the cars on track racing BMW customers, emphasis is also placed on profitability during the development of the BMW Z4 GT3. As a result, the car offers an excellent cost / quality ratio and gives the team a chance to participate personally in the affordable sports car at the highest level.
First Cosworth Impreza STI CS400 delivered
The car will deliver an impressive 400PS (395 hp) at 5750rpm and will make the 0 to 60 mph sprint in 3.7 seconds. This is an impressive task compared to the standard Impreza WRX STI at 300PS / 296bhp at 6,000rpm with a 5.2 second sprint.
"As a huge Impreza fan I’m thrilled to be the first to take delivery of the ultimate incarnation of the model line," enthused Edwards. "The CS400 is everything I’d hoped it’d be and more. The performance is simply astounding and to know I’m one of just 75 people in the world to own one… well, it’s a very special feeling.Tuning Cars 2012 Nissan GT-R facelift
So, what we can tell you is something you already now: the facelift GT-R will get a restyled front bumper that improves the GT-R’s aerodynamic performance from 0.272 to 0.268. A redesigned rear diffuser also improves the rear downforce with almost 10%. Also new for 2012, the Nissan GT-R gets two new exterior colors: Aurora Flare Blue Pearl (color code RAY) and Nebula Opal Black (color code GAG). Also, it is rumored that the GT-R will deliver a total of 500 HP.
The new GT-R will go on sale in 2011 and will be offered in all major markets: Europe, USA and Japan.
2009 Dodge Challenger SRT8
Anyone who loves a finely tuned automobile should be in attendance at the upcoming SEMA Show. This particular show creates a tuning atmosphere that can be appreciated by just about anyone, but can be truly heavenly to the avid enthusiasts that look for ways to enhance a car’s styling, functionality, comfort, convenience, and safety. I may be difficult to choose a crowd favorite amidst the growing number of improved models, but one vehicle may just be our favorite so far. Meet the special Dodge Challenger SRT8 customized by CULT Energy Drink.
A feast for the eyes, this Challenger looks the part of an aggressively mean car prepared to take out anyone that may get in its way. One of the only details we know about the car is that it features a one-off, hand-fabricated wide body kit that provides some extra girth to the already masculine car. It also does not run on racing fuel.
We can’t imagine that a car that looks like this doesn’t carry an equally insane motor to push out astronomical power. It is rumored that this Challenger is carrying a 5.7L V8 HEMI with its intake manifold, clearly, popping out of the car’s hood. To say that we are excited to see the Cult’s newest project at this year’s SEMA show is as much of an understatement as we can possibly muster. This car is simply badass and it’s one that could be perfectly suited for a next generation Mad Max!
Exercise No 18 Of english shorthand
in those days i was an even batter walker than a am today, and as you know i still very much like a good quick walk.well, on that particular august morning i set out quite early before the on that day was too warm for easy walking . I was healthy on the way that the away from towns of any kind. I was healthy in the way that the food to meet my mall needs and was therefore able to keep away from towns of any kind.i was healthy in the way that the young are healthy and o walked with quick easy steps covering the first eight miles of the road in just under two hour , but with the increase warmth of the day my rate fell little by little .until the full heat of the day i found that i was doing very little more than two and a half miles an hour. Even the small additional weigh of the food i was carrying troubled me , and as it was by this time several hours since my last meal it seemed reasonably that i should look out for a place where i could rest and have a meal in peace.
After a time i reached a point where the road comes very near to a small river and i was pleased enough by that time to walk across the field and to find near the water some undergrowth high enough to offer me some cover from the full light and taht of the open countryside round about.
I took water from the clear quick running river and built a small fire upon some stones and so made my simple meal .such was the heat of the day that it was as much as i could do to keep my eyes open but using all my will power ,i was about to clear away the rest of the food when i saw standing before me a little old woman . so limed was her face that it seemed to me there was more room left was as old as her face. standing there she appeared to to me to represent time itself. but when she began to speak i found her words were common place enough.
Sir she said could you give me some bread and perhaps some milk.
I immediately began to clean up the piece of ground which had served as a table for me making a place for the old woman to and drink offered to her and as she sat without speaking i watched her face.
Tell me old woman i said to my own complete surprised were you always as you are now or were you once young and beautiful . had you once a hpme and a family or have you always walked these roads and fields?
The old woman turned her head and looked at me for a long time without speaking the lines on her face grew even deeper and her old blue eyes were serious as she answered young man i cannot remember for long ages i have walked these toads and these fields i have walked and always i shall walk , i am old and perhaps i have never been young i am plain and perhaps i have never been beautiful you are strong and you have health. you have all the qualities of the young ,because of these things i am speaking to you now .
Shall i tell her to go away i thought. I will stand up and get my things together and continue my walk.
I moved but immediately the voice of the voice of this strange old woman came to me again. No do not go.You must hear what o yes i Thought,. I will wait and hear what she has to say for if she is as wise as she is old her words may be of some use to me in the future,'But the seconds passed and no words came. I looked again and no one was there . not feeling very pleased with myself at the thought that i must have been weak enough to fall off for the thought that i must have been weak enough to fall off for a few minutes and believing that these things had not really happened i began to clear up what was left of my meal. And then i knew that the old woman had been there for my bread was gone and in its place was this.
At this point in his story my friend opens his hand and on a rests a lovely clear blue stone in a beautiful setting of gold.
I always carry this in this history my friend opens his hand and on a rests a lovely clear blue stone in a beautiful setting of gold .
I always carry this about with me now he adds and i know that some day i shall see that old woman again and find out what it was she had to say.
2011 Hyundai i20 Sport Cars Edition

The exterior package includes: body-colored front skirt and wheelarch flares to the exterior, while a glossy radiator grille mesh insert, black bezel headlights and daytime running lights are also introduced. The car’s sporty appearance is completed with the inclusion of a glossy B-pillar, smoked windows, dark red tinted rear lights and 17-inch Brabus alloy wheels with Yokohama tires.
On the interior the tuner added Orange leather Recaro seats, a black leather gearshift cover with orange-colored seams, a chrome gear shift knob, a leather-wrapped center console, leather-covered door panels, and a 7-inch touch screen navigation all bring added verve to the driving experience.
Audi R8 Dione Sport Cars 2010

The exterior package includes: PPI Razor carbon fiber front grill, PPI Razor carbon fiber front lip, PPI Razor carbon fiber GTR wing and PPI Razor carbon fiber side skirts. And of course do not forget the amazing exterior paint: Matte Finish with Jet Blue Metallic. The car sits on 20" Volk Racing VRG2 wheels.
As for the car’s performances, SR Auto Group added a new RSC exhaust system, but they did not reveal if this will improve in any way the engine’s performances.
So, until now the tuner updated the R8 coupe version, in both V10 and V8 versions. We guess that next on their list is the Spyder version.
What's your costume for Halloween party?
*For her:
*For him: