Unofficial Picture: 2012 Suzuki SX-4 Sedan

These are some recent pictures of the face-lifted Suzuki SX4, recently surfaced on a Chinese website.
The images show an overall refresh to the current SX4 styling; there is a new chromed-lined grill on the front. The headlamps are slightly re-styled which makes the front gives a little more shaper stance. The front bumper is also all new. On the rear, there are extensive changes to the boot lid, restyled tail-lamps which now look similar to the newly-launched Kizashi saloon.
There is not much information on engines but we can expect an inclusion of a diesel motor in future.

New Car: 2011 Citroen C3 Picasso Blackcherry

Citroen has popped its cherry! The French firm has just released details of a new limited edition special model which coincides with a number of updates to the supermini MPV range.

Called the BLACKCHERRY, the newcomer is based on the VTR+ model and is powered by the firm’s 1.6-litre HDI diesel engine. Modifications include cherry red and gloss black exterior and interior detailing to compliment the metallic black exterior paint. The C3 Picasso also gets body colour roof bars and 17-inch cherry red diamond-tipped alloy wheels.

Standard equipment includes air conditioning, cruise control with speed limiter, Citroen’s Connecting Box (USB socket and Bluetooth system), electrically adjustable door mirrors and front electric windows.

Changes to the rest of the C3 Picasso range include a new Euro 5-compliant HDi 110bhp engine and six-speed transmission. The new engine returns just under 59mpg, with CO2 emissions falling by 5g/km over the previous Euro 4 unit to 125g/km. The remaining engines in the Picasso line-up have been rehomologated to reach full Euro 5 levels, with tweaks delivering more miles for every gallon of fuel consumed.

The firm has also made Michelin’s low rolling resistance Energy Saver tyres standard kit across the range, while the Connecting Box is now fitted as standard on VTR+ and Exclusive trim levels. For more details click here.
Thanks to: Auto Express

Filosofi Mawar

Awal kedatangan di Thailand, tim USU disambut mahasiswa/i Thaksin Univ pake bunga mawar asli warna pink gitu deh. Baguuss banget! Yess, I love the flowers.
Banyak cowok-cowok yg gak suka bunga trus dibuang-buangin. Yaudah daripada tuh bunga nganggur, gua  minta-mintain aja. Terus bunga mawar itu gua rangkai lagi, jadiin buket.

Begitu sampe di asrama, tuh bunga gua potong miring (tau kan maksudnya biar nyerap air, jadi gak gampang layu), gua masukkin dalam botol plastik isi air. Intinya, tuh bunga mawar gua pelihara, gua rawat deh, walaupun cuma 2 bunga doang sih.

Sampe beberapa hari, tuh bunga masih seger aja. Wah masih oke lah pokoknya.
Ehh ternyata setelah hari ke-4 udah mulai layu sedikit-dikit.
Dan hari ke-6 itu bunga memang udah bener-bener busuk, air nya juga udah agak keruh gimana gitu.
Jadi artinya, itu memang nunjukkin waktunya kita pulang! Balik lagi ke Medan, kuliah lagi, menajalani hari jelek penuh tugas, sukur dehhh lo.
Sekarang gua udah di Medan dengan fisik yg sangat rapuh.

PS: Well, kali ini gua memang cuma ngomongin bunga. Singkat, padat.
Laen kali bakal gua bahas gimana gua di Thailand, plus foto2 nya deh, tungguin aja yaa.

--->>> Asli gua kurang tidur, masih banyak utang tidur gua selama beberapa hari ini, dan sekarang gua udah ngantuk banget, sedangkan barang-barang belom gua beresin, sementara besok pagi gua udah kuliah lagi kayak biasa. Huahhh!


I come back again!
Gue masih sehat walafiat, baik-baik saja di Thailand, jadi gak usah khawatir. Ini siaran langsung dari Thaksin University, di ruang komputer universitas gratisan buat peserta IMT-GT nya.

Gue punya kabar bagus! Iyaa beneran lho bagus,
Tim tennis putri USU meraih perunggu!!
Ciyee, dapet perunggu aja bangga. Trus kenapa gitu dress?
Seenggaknya dapet medali lho, dan ini medali pertama dari kontingen USU.

Selama maen tenis, anak2 USU emang paling bawel. Minta-mintain kue tradisional lah ama referee nya (serius, kue tradisional thai enak banget! kayak pulut ketan gitu), yg minta minum lah, minjem bola lah, maen jodoh-jodohan lah sama referee2 itu, ilopyu-ilopyu an gitu deh, ada yg les privat tulisan thailand lah, ah ada2 aja deh tingkahnya kita. Hhaha, mereka sih ketawa2 aja. Gak tau ngerti bahasa kita apa nggak. Memang itu kan maksud pertandingan ini, kayak yg dibilang Pak Eddy (pembantu rektor 3) waktu kita cerita tentang ini,

"Oooh gak apa-apa, memang sebenernya tujuan pertandingan persahabatan itu, gak terlalu mencari juara, yg penting nyari banyak teman dr berbagai negara."

Yess, like this pak!

Dan lucu nya, di lapangan kami ditonton monyet-monyet hutan! Apa dress? Iya monyet beneran!
Hahha, mungkin kalian mikir aneh, gue juga awalnya mikir gitu. Di lapangan tennis kok ada monyet?!! Tapi lama-lama akhirnya biasa juga. Ternyata di Thailand monyet tuh banyak, dan sangat sangat biasa. Jadi orang-orang disini udah gak kaget lagi deh ngeliat monyet. Selama kita gak megang makanan sih gak apa-apa tuh monyet gak akan ngeganggu. Hhaha, keren kan ada monyet nonton tennis?

Selesai itu, kita shopping-shopping di Hat Yai (semacam Orchard Road nya Singapur) yg jauuuh banget dari asrama. Cuma anak-anak tennis putri aja, sama bapak-bapak pejabat USU juga (eh baek lho mereka, kita diajak jalan, dibayarin naek van, ditraktir makan lagi. Boss gitu!). Sumpah deh, seharian pun gak akan cukup shopping disini!
Ke Sabila Beach, katanya sih ada mitos tentang patung Mermaid gitu. Kalo ada cowok megang patungnya, bakal dapet jodoh orang Thailand. Hhahhaa, percaya gak lo?

Akhirnya, IMT-GT udah hampir abis, ini udah hari ke-5 lho. Huaahh, cepet yaa.. Besok closing ceremony nya, bagi-bagi medali. Trus dadah deh!

Sekian, gue mau balik ke kamar dulu, karena banyak yg harus gue beresin dari shopping tadi. Dan agaknya besok gue bakal shopping lagi. Hhaha, asik lah yaa. Pulang-pulang ke Medan, tugas numpuk! Mampus lah gue.

car modification SEMA SHOW Mercedes

car modification SEMA SHOW Mercedes bling bling cool roadster convert cool exotic cars rims...PIMP cars - monster trucks - badass car - motopimp - sport cars new exotic cars.

SEMA SHOW Mercedes bling bling cool roadster convert cool exotic cars rims...PIMP cars - monster trucks - badass car - motopimp - sport cars new exotic cars., originally uploaded by airgap.

Ford Focus RS 500 production

Take a peek into the production of the Ford Focus RS 500. I like the way the make the car matte. I did not know that it is a layer of sticker on top of the black painted car. Ford Europe has just recently release this video on their production on this limited edition RS500.

The opening...

Hi, I'm in Thailand now!
I just want to share a little in this post, later I'll tell you more. Be patient oke!

First, you can check for more information about IMT-GT. We spent the night at Thaksin University's Dormitory, all of participants here. From many universities, and 3 countries.

The peoples are so kind and friendly here, and the cultural is still religious. There are two officials for USU's tennis athletes, their names are Bee and Tan, the students of Thaksin University.
But, do you know our problems here?
The Thainesse are can't speak english very well, they can't speak Melayu too.
So how we could get the converstation? By 'isyarat' language of course. Hhahahaa.

The food also unusual in our tongue, it's very spicy and hot I think. Huauahuaa! But they have the vegetables and egg luckily, and I just ate it.

Yesterday is the opening ceremony on the night. And it's very cool, when the countries shows their cultural performance one another. Something like cultural change. GREAT!

I also get more friends from another athlete, from Badminton, Volley, Football, etc. And also from another campus, like Unimed, Thaksin, Malaysia, Thailand, and more. Nice to meet you, guys!

*About the tournament
USU's tennis team (men tennis and women) are already lose for two times.
The men won't play again tomorrow. But the women team is still play.
We lose by PSU (Prince of Songkhla University) yesterday, and today we lose by Unimed. Actually we're very tired, the schedule is so fully. At least we are traveling abroad! Hhahaha.
We hope we'll win tomorrow, pray for us yaa...

Oke, it's enough, because I must sleep for the fresh tomorrow.
---->>> I'll tell you more later and I'll put some picture. Be patient yaa...

Became one of the USU contingent!

Yaiyy, besok gue berangkat coyy!
IMT-GT Varsity Carnival XII 2010.
Universitas Thaksin Thailand, 24-30 November 2010.

Ternyata, IMT-GT tuh singkatannya Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand - Growth Triangle. (Ooohh, itu toh!)
Ini kayak pertandingan persahabatan antar negara gitu deh. Yang ikutan dari cabang futsal, volley, bulu tangkis, tennis lapangan, dan ada budaya sama seminar juga.
Kayaknya gue cukup beruntung, dari 58 peserta kontingen USU, gue termasuk salah satunya. Dan dari 3 orang angkatan 2010, gue cewek sendiri. Yang laen, senior semua! Dan juga, dari Fak. Kedokteran Gigi cuma gue sendiri. Bagus, gue jadi serba sendiri gini!

Persiapannya udah beres, pasport udah dikumpul, surat dispensasi udah dikasihin fakultas, perlengkapan tim udah dapet, ama dapet uang saku juga lumayan! Hehheee. Bolak-balik gedung rektorat buat ngambil ginian,

Surat dispensasi
(Yess, gak kuliah gue!)

Peraturan Keberangkatan

Perlengkapan Kontingen
(Wahhh, ada bet nama nya! Ada nama gue!)

Akhirnya, bisa juga gue ngerasain jadi atlet internasional. Yaelah, norak bener lah gue ini. Seenggak nya, gue udah bisa tembus masuk seleksinya. Gue gak hebat, tapi gue cuma lagi beruntung. Thanks god! Kayak yg dibilang Om Ronny (pelatih gue di Lampung),

"Wah, pengalaman baru yg menabjubkan, ce!"

Hahaha, smoga emang bener2 menakjubkan.
Mungkin gue akan turun double? Atau malah single? Gak tau lah, gue sih berharap maen double. Tapi seandainya single pun, gue berharap gue bisa memberikan yg terbaik. Pokoknya, doain tim gue menang yaa. Amiin amin!

2011 Porsche 918 Spyder With Hi-Tech Racing Car Concept

Racing Porsche 918 Spyder concept combines high technology with feature electric mobility offer attractive qualities. For example, planned to provide the level of emissions of just 70 grams of CO2 per kilometer fuel consumption is only three kilometers litres/100km (equivalent to about 78 mpg U.S.), a remarkable, even for a vehicle Urban ultra-compact. This car, however, is intended to provide a super-sport performance with acceleration from rest to 100 km / h in just under 3.2 seconds, top speed 320 km / h (198 mph) and a turn at Nurburgring Nordschleife in less than 7:30 minutes, even faster than the Porsche Carrera GT.

Porsche 918 Spyder is one of three models of Porsche with hybrid discs that make their world debut at the 2010 Geneva Motor Show. The trio – composed of the new Porsche Cayenne S SUV with a hybrid drive parallel hybrid, 911 GT3 R hybrid race car axle with electric front wheel drive and the battery of inertia, and two passengers with a high performance Porsche 918 Spyder mid-engine sports cars with plug-in hybrid technology – not only clearly shows the large bandwidth of this new drive technology, but also the innovative power of a Porsche as a pioneer in drive hybrid.

2011 Porsche 918 Spyder Concept - wheel rims

2011 Porsche 918 Spyder Concept - wheel rims

2011 Porsche 918 Spyder Concept - interior design

2011 Porsche 918 Spyder Concept - interior design

Highly innovative Porsche 918 Spyder Porsche design combines performance with intelligent philosophy of high-tech sports car with a modern design classic, but to make statements that make absolutely sure.

These two open seats is powered by a V8 high-rev higher developed more than 500 horsepower and maximum engine speed 9,200 rpm – and the electric motor on the front axle and rear exit with general mechanical 218 horsepower (160 kW).

The Best Car Modification

The Best Cool Modification

Modification Car Toyota Celica 2003

Modification Car Toyota Celica

Custom Car Toyota Celica 2003


Turbo – Nitrous Oxide – Stereo – Lambo Doors – DVD Player – Tien Suspension – Infinity 12″ Kappa Perfect Subs – Audiobahn 4500w amps – Rockford Fosgate capacitors – Custom fiberglass sub box – Greddy emanage fuel management system with ignition harness – Apexi Fuel/Air Controller – Monster 5″ tach with shift light – Panasonic DVD player – Nitrous Express 15lb bottle w/intercooler sprayer and purge valve – Tenzo-R adjustable carbon fiber spoiler – Tenzo-R racing bucket seats w/aftermarket rail – B&M short throw shifter – ACT stage III clutch – HKS blow off valve – relocated gel battery box and mount – full turboback HKS exhaust – custom header – extra large intercooler – Lambo door kit – 19″ racing Hart wheels – wrapped in Nitto Extreme 225 – steering dampners – APC indiglo guages – Infinity Reference Component speakers – Gtech racing guage w/timer – Garrett GT3217B turbo – 3″ downpipe – Rotora big brake kit – APR racing mirrors – Sparco racing harness – Sparco pedals – much more.

New Styling Dashboard Car Modifications Tips

New Styling Dashboard Car Modifications Tips

Now a days interior modification of the car has really grabbed the attention of the car enthusiasts and they are showing up with different innovations almost every day. The reason is simple. More innovations in the car’s interior materials. Car interior is a wide terminology but I will, for the sake of simplicity, stick myself to the car dashboard.

Obviously the first thing of the car interior which comes into notice is the dashboard bearing lots of panels and slots and if job well done, one can really impress his mate by the help of some cool dashboard styling tips. Luckily for the car modifiers, the automotive industry has moved far from that same old fashioned, boring standard plastic. Many types of material like leather, carbon fiber, fur e.t.c are available for dashboard styling. So giving your dashboard a new look is no more difficult. Only your creativity is the limit.

I will be discussing some cool car dashboard styling tips which will be proved helpful in gaining you an extra edge among your peers. First of all complimenting your overall car theme is extremely important. Even the brand reputation of your car is important. For instance if you own a luxury car, motor sport style interior will not be suitable for your car and vice versa, of course!

Modifying or adding new gauges in your dashboard is really helpful. Wide variety of gauges and different meters are available. Even you don’t have to integrate different gauges one by one as the whole complete set of digital dashboards are available making this modification job even more easy. Gauges are helpful in monitoring oil pressure, voltages, temperature e.t.c but don’t get carried away with them and start unnecessarily adding them into your dashboard or you will end up in giving your car a “spaceship look”.

Informations Audio System Cars..

Choosing the best car audio system that works for your car and your style can be difficult. You will need to plan ahead before you buy because you don’t want to spend a single dollar on trials and errors. Start by visualizing the look that you want and try to research about the audio output and audio quality that you may want for your car. To help you further, here are some tips on how to choose the best car audio system.

Check your in-dash receiver. Always see how much space you have and what dimensions should your car stereo system should be. Buying a system that is too big can cause a big headache on your part while buying a car audio system that is too small will cause as much trouble as the latter. Always take measurements and ask about the best audio kit for your car type.

After adding gauges divert your attention towards the steering wheel. New sporty small diameter steering wheel will enhance your sporty looks provided if you are willing to give a sporty look or different varieties are available. The choice is yours. Drilled aluminum pedals are in now a days for accelerators and brakes however even more varieties are available with wider foot prints. Complement the gear knob with dashboard and gauges. Remember being haphazard will ruin your hard work. Always stay consistent to one decided theme.

When modifying the gauges, the standard, factory fitted gauges can be removed by removing the instrument panel. However few cars would require complete disintegration of the dashboard to install these gauges. In most cases the companies provide with the new gauges, complete kits to replace the old one. White backgrounds are preferred in most cases as they are popular and when the dashboard illumination goes on at the night it helps in glowing, the numbers of the gauges and amazingly itself goes darker giving a really clear look to your gauges to the outsiders and as a whole real cool look to the dashboard.

When the break time...

Now we know what to do when the break time! Sometimes when in college, time becomes erratic. When we have to lecture, and when to rest. Even we must waiting for a long time, for hours to have the lesson again. So, we should do something. Like we did yesterday,

Me, Indah, Yolanda, Mega, Valent, and Tere

Yess, webcam girls time!
We made some videos and took some pics, gossiped, laughed, snacked, slept, and anything what we want to do. In our base camp, my boarding house of course! Hahhaaa.

Actually I plan to slept alone before. But my friends blew it! They came to my boarding house (pretended surprise), and it be noisy. Huahh, so I can't sleep.

They planned to surprise me before. Ohh but I'm sorry, I can't be surprised because I already know it first. Hhahaha. And I ignorant them back! I went to Indomaret for a minute, and they waiting for me so long and boring! Hhahaa, cool am I? They can't ignorant me!

New Extreme Modification Cars 2010

Modification Honda Civic Type-R

With the absolution of the Honda S2000 in 1990, Honda put its name on the car affability arena big time! The S2000 became a close admired amid adapted car enthusiasts and car tuners alike! That the S2000 survived about banausic through about 20 years of assembly is attestation to that activity but added Honda models such as the Honda Civic Type-R and the Honda Accord became aloof as popular. These days, you would acquisition an arrangement of adapted Civic, Accord and S2000 cars at any of the top custom car shows about the world.
Below is our alternative of the best custom Honda cars from the hottest car shows about the world...

Modification Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 9

Okay friend, with cars like the Mitsubishi Lancer EVO and the Mitsubishi 3000GT, Mitsubishi cars accept become absolutely accepted applicant amid JDM car modification enthusiasts and are absolutely accepted at the custom appearance car events, abnormally in Japan. Regardless of area the custom car appearance is hosted, it aloof won't feel complete after at atomic one adapted Mitsubishi Lancer EVO on show!
Below are some of the best adapted and custom Mitsubishi appearance cars from custom car shows about the world.

New Modification BMW 325

BMW 325 affluence cars accept not consistently been accepted candidats for adapted car projects, but with the horse ability wars amid the top German car manufacturers of the aftermost few decades, they accept become absolutely accepted with aftermarket car affability houses such as Geiger and Reiger. As a aftereffect you'd consistently acquisition the latest BMW cars, such as the BMW M3 and the added BMW 3 Series models at custom car shows.
Below is our arcade of some of the hottest BMW cars from altered custom car shows.

Modification Audi A3 like a Spider Car

Audi and the Audi TT accept continued been a close admired for car tuners from Europe and abnormally Germany. Of backward the Audi R8 supercar has additionally began to accumulate attention, with some of the best tuners announcement their adaptation of the Audi R8 at assorted custom car shows, including Germany's own Essen Motor Show. Audi cars are additionally accepted at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nevada and at the Tokyo Auto Salon in Japan.

Below is our arcade of some of the best adapted Audi cars from the altered car shows.

Modification Race Car Racing Lamborghini Diablos Full Specification Tribal Orange Cat

Home Race

The World Of Modified Cars - A Brief History

Tracing the rise of the British modified car and associated cruise scene back to its roots has always been the source of much debate. Many would point back to the original vintage and classic car rallies of the 50's and 60's. Others make reference to the legendary Ace Cafe London to Brighton cruise, an event synonymous with classic motorcyclists. The notorious hot rod scene also argues a strong case, in fact many popular modifications derive from that era. It all depends how far you want to go back in time, perhaps to the point from which you hold the fondest memories. Everybody of course, has their own view.

Most of us however would agree that the birth of the modified car world as we know it today, truly began in the early eighties. Iconic car launches including the MK1 Golf GTi, the Escort RS Turbo, the Renault 5 GT Turbo and the Peugeot 205 GTi created a market of dedicated followers with a passion for performance cars that would last a lifetime.

In the late eighties and early nineties these cars were joined by a new raft of Japanese imports, fuelling demand and raising the profile of the scene even further. Honda, Toyota, Nissan and Subaru sold the Civic, Supra, Skyline and Impreza in huge volumes, in many ways repairing some of the damage caused by years of lacklustre models and shoddy reliability. European manufacturers responded to the Japanese influx with a wave of iconic motors including the BMW M3 E36, the Peugeot 306 GTi-6, the Renault Clio Williams, the Vauxhall Calibra Turbo and the Volkswagen Corrado VR6. Thousands of former petrol heads look back at this era with affection, and good examples of such models still attract high prices.

'Boy Racer' Culture

At the turn of the century, the scene was changing once again. Modified cars were getting wilder, budgets were becoming more flamboyant and the target market was getting younger. 'Chav culture' had well and truly taken over, re-igniting the rise of the 'boy racer'. The scene was awash with negative publicity, police intervention and cruising crackdowns but despite this, the modified car business was at its peak. Industry leading magazines such as Max Power and Fast Car were reporting record sales, and body shops and tuning centres had never had it so good. Following the release of cult film The Fast And The Furious, and console games such as Need For Speed, as dusk fell in every major town, cruisers could be seen prowling the streets in greater and greater numbers.

Ironically, due to the dramatic rise in insurance and fuel costs, or possibly because modified car fans were getting younger, engine sizes were actually getting smaller. Despite the fact that many enthusiasts were still driving powerful motors such as the Saxo VTS or Leon Cupra R, cars such as the Corsa C, Fiesta Zetec and Polo MK4 were becoming immensely popular.

Challenging Times

This trend brought with it a massive shift in consumer spending. Whilst the styling market had never been so lucrative, the tuning sector was almost grinding to a halt. Older enthusiasts who could afford the insurance and running costs of tuned high-performance cars were growing older and settling down. Cosworths were traded in for Mondeos, and thousands of modified cars were scrapped or dismantled for parts.

It is difficult to say exactly when it happened but to make matters worse, by 2002 the market was flooded with cheaply made bolt-on parts. The shift in spending from tuning to styling parts meant that the products in demand were now less complex to manufacture. As a result, hundreds of businesses in the UK started importing directly from factories in China. Everyone was copying products from someone else, and with more and more consumers buying goods from eBay, quality stepped down and price became king.

If ever the industry has experienced a 'dark time', this was certainly it. Droves of retailers closed their doors, and British product manufacturers slashed their product development budgets or even went out of business. Never was this more poignant than in 2006 when the UK's biggest performance exhaust brand Magnex ceased trading. To the modified car scene this was the equivalent of losing Woolworths from the British high street, and although the brand is thankfully now under new ownership, it proves how difficult a period the industry had suffered.

The Road To Recovery

At the time of writing, the modified car scene is still in troubled waters but despite being in the midst of a global recession, we're beginning to see positive signs of recovery,. We're also seeing further changes in buying habits. Whilst the market is still very styling-orientated, demand for high quality parts is growing. Despite the fact that pre-modified cars such as the Corsa VXR, Civic Type-R and Focus ST are growing in popularity and diminishing the need for aftermarket modifications, sales of premium styling parts from quality manufacturers such as Lumma, Team Dynamics and Momo are on the increase.

Product development is back in full swing, and it is interesting to note that many parts are now being developed for brand new models such as the Suzuki Swift, the new Corsa D and surprisingly, for prestige models including the BMW M6 and Porsche Cayenne. This may be in response to the previous credit boom that granted mass access to newer, more expensive cars, or even due to the credit crunch, with owners choosing to modify their cars as an alternative to replacing them.

2010 Mazda Axela Sport 20S

New 2010 Mazda Axela Sport 20S launched in Japan with unique engine stop-start system, 2.0-liter DOCH engine, 5-speed EC automatic transmission.

2010 Mazda Axela Sport 20S
2010 Mazda Axela Sport 20S

Mazda Axela Sport exterior
exterior design, excellent

Mazda Axela blue
front view

Mazda Axela rear view
Axela rear view

Mazda Axela sport seats
afety features, sport seats

Mazda Axela 20S
Special edition free photos

Citroen DS3 Racing Edition Limited Design

Citroen DS3 Racing Edition Limited Design

Citroen DS3 Racing Edition Limited Design

Citroen DS3 Racing Edition Limited Design

Citroen DS3 Racing Edition Limited Design

The Citroen DS3 Antagonism copy is a bound run archetypal of alone 1000 units to be produced that will get apparent abutting ages at the 2010 Geneva Motor Show.

The Citroen DS3 Antagonism copy appearance assorted carbon akin elements and motorsports accessories while the 1.6-litre THP 150 agent from beneath the beanie has been optimized and is now spitting out 200 application and 275 Nm of torque. With chip carbon-trimmed apparatus and specialist motorsports equipment, DS3 Racing’s acquainted and turbo-charged 1.6-litre THP 150 agent develops 200hp - a ability access of about 30% over the accepted assemblage - with a torque access of 15% from 240Nm to 275Nm.

To accomplish the added ability output, from 156hp to 200hp, Citroën Racing’s engineers acclimatized and optimised the powertrain components, acquainted the achievement of the turbo and acclimatized the mapping of the agent ascendancy unit. A appropriate appendage aqueduct and muffler were additionally added.

Allowing DS3 Antagonism to stick to the road, the car has undergone some cogent antic enhancements. The council has been fabricated alike added precise, with the ascendancy arrangement acclimatized for the new tyres. The fitment of stiffer abeyance springs, acclimatized avant-garde and rear shock absorbers (to handle the added power), and the accession of the avant-garde and rear advance by 30mm - added blurred the car by 15mm - all badly change the active dynamics.

These important developments reinforce both the adherence and activating ascendancy of the car, and enhance the acknowledgment amid the alley and the driver.

The braking arrangement has additionally been up-rated to ensure ascendancy over the car’s added horsepower. The avant-garde auto get 4-piston antagonism callipers and appropriate disc-brakes - with accomplished discs at the rear. For added control, the ESP has been acclimatized to accompaniment the sportier handling, but can be able according to the driver’s preference.

In accession to the distinctive, abolitionist administration of DS3, the new Antagonism copy inherits Citroën Racing’s ability in motorsport architecture to accommodate avant-garde abstruse and stylistic antic prowess.

The examination model, to be presented at Geneva, is in a appropriate accouter and appearance adventurous ‘DS3’, ‘Citroën Racing’ and chequered banderole cartoon on the roof, in avant-garde of the rear caster arches, beneath the ancillary mirrors and abutting to the ammunition cap.

Measuring 3.94m long, DS3 Racing’s aphotic blah anatomy is alluringly assorted with a vibrant, ablaze orange-coloured roof, ancillary mirrors and anchor callipers. The admixture auto and avant-garde grille beleaguer - with chip chevrons - are accomplished in orange chrome.

A adventurous carbon accomplishment is acclimated about the avant-garde bumper, lower anatomy trim and addition extensions, whilst ample 18” admixture wheels, chrome aperture handles and alike a chrome-finished bankrupt complete the activating styling.

Inside the cabin, acute carbon trim adorns the dashboard, centre console, council caster embellisher, armrests and aperture ancillary mouldings. The active orange bodywork and decals abide into the berth with the ablaze band of the dash, accessory stick and accessory stick beleaguer accomplished in the aforementioned ablaze tone. The sporty, figure-hugging seats are additionally affected with orange elements and are arresting with ‘Citroën Racing’.

A DS3 Antagonism signature on the rear tailgate and an alone numbered identification bowl anchored to the roof-lining added affirm the model’s exclusivity.

On the road, DS3 Racing’s WRC full-blooded is evident. Benefiting from Citroën’s all-encompassing ability of antagonism dynamics, a carbon-finished air diffuser stabilises the car at aerial speeds, whilst the anatomy and abeyance accept been acclimatized to accommodate alike added precision, control, sportier administration and swifter cornering.

Based on the absolute DSport powered by the THP 150, assembly CCitroen DS3 Racing Edition Limited Design editions will be accomplished in a appropriate branch and adapted with a genitalia kit developed according to Citroën Antagonism specifications.

Audi Cars Modification 2010-2011

Audi Cars

Audi Cars Pics

One line, skinny people video

A few days ago, my lecture showed an amazing video about dental care, persuading the kids so they want to go to the dentist. As we know, children are usually afraid to go to the doctor. Maybe we could show them this funny video:
by Owl City
Song Title: Dental Care

Wahhh, cool isn't it? 

When I watch this video, I immediately reminded of one of the milk ads on TV.Hhaha, do you know what?
Appeton Weight Gain!
Yess, the skinny peoples, which depicted by one line only! Hahaa, so funny.

Actually, dentistry has relationship with the music, art, and style. That's the reason why I like it. Not always about science and the formula. It's about skill and life.

--->>> Let's get the children to diligently care for their teeth!

Zac Efron

In 2006, Zac Efron was cast as Link Larkin in a film version of Hairspray released on July 20, 2007. Efron performed all of his own vocals in the role, which was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, from September 5 to December 2, 2006. He cut and dyed his hair dark brown and gained about 15 pounds for the role. Efron's performance and the film received positive reviews. Zac Efron was not able to perform with his fellow castmates in High School Musical: The Concert because of commitments on the film Hairspray. Drew Seeley took over for him.

New Cool Ford Focus Modification

Cool Ford Focus ModificationA very nice modification of Ford Focus, It’s a great inspiration for those who tried to modified their car too


Gue inget ini tanggal berapa, dan ada hari besar apa! Hahaha, gak mau kejadian sumpah pemuda kemaren keulang lagi. Yess, 10 November Hari Pahlawan woy! Parah amat masa gak inget.

Kenyataannya memang banyak orang gak inget juga. Begitu gue tanya temen2 gue,

“eh, kau inget gak kalo ini hari pahlawan?”

“oh iya ya, aku kok lupa ya.”

Yaelah, bener2 deh memang!

Indonesia merdeka karena siapa?
Lo bisa sekolah karena jasa siapa?
Ada bendera merah putih karena siapa?

Pahlawan lah, gilak lo masa sih dilupain! Gilak gilaaak abis. (lebay ya gue)
Hello, we need to thanks them!

Banyak pahlawan yg berani berjuang buat bangsa. Berkorban, bahkan sampe gugur. Sebenernya, atas dasar apa sih mereka bisa punya keberanian kayak gitu? Untuk keuntungan pribadi jelas bukan, ini masalah orang banyak, rakyat se-Indonesia, dari kakek-nenek sampe cucu. Saluutt!

Dan jasa mereka itu, mungkin gak sebanding sama upacara yg kita adakan setiap tahun. Itupun masih banyak orang ngeluh, buat apalah upacara, penting nggak lah jasa pahlawan, lupa lah sama hari pahlawan. Astagaaa, begitu pemikiran jaman sekarang? Begitu manusia modern?

Gue sendiri mengidolakan R.A Kartini. Wah ibu ini bener2 hebat deh. Tau sendiri beliau cewek, cewek jadul yg gak selalu dihargai orang, tau2 bisa bikin perubahan besar. Lo bisa bayangin dong, gimana cewek jaman dulu, pake kebaya sesak, sanggul tinggi, trus ngajar ngumpet2. Ribet kan? Memang. Dia berjuang buat emansipasi wanita. Wanita cuy, kaum gue! Pokoknya, gue bangga banget tau ada wanita seperti dia.

--->>> Jadi, siapa pahlawan favorit lo?

Modification Audi TT RS 2011 Car Design by MTM

2011 Audi TT RS White car body kit color exterior paint is a sport car design modification by MTM. Audi TT RS 2011 new car model with powerful engine is an extreme race car with high speed acceleration. In the case of the MTM TTRS explain that 2011 Audi TT RS modification of the control unit, MTM turbo charger and a complete new MTM exhaust system from turbo. The 2011 Audi TT RS vehicle specification result: 472 bhp (347 kW) with 7.000 rpm/min, a 0-100 km/h time of just 3.9 seconds and a top speed of 312 km/h – driven in Nardo with Dunlop Sport Maxx tyres on 20-inch bimoto wheels.

2011 Audi TT RS  Sporty Car Side Body Kit Design

Here Detail report 2011 Audi TT RS tuning car and test drive performance:

  • 2011 Audi TT RS refiner MTM drives 312 km/h with the TTRS in Nardo
  • Sophisticated 2011 Audi TT RS car design technology technique to ensure best driving values
  • 2011 Audi TT RS complete package including wheels and brakes

A MTM client drove this record in Nardo in 2009. Furthermore the fastest Bentley GPS measured 331 km/h in 2008 is from Roland Mayers workshop. Nardo test drives 2011 Audi TT RS under extreme conditions are an important part of MTM development work. The 2011 Audi TT RS new car price list for 20-inch bimoto forged rims, 15″ brakes with eight-piston calipers (front axle) is 9.973 € incl. tax and installation.

2011 Audi TT RS  Super Race Car Pictures

2011 Audi TT RS Sports Car Alloy Wheels

2011 Audi TT RS Back Car Lamp Design

more Modification Audi TT RS 2011 Car Design by MTM detail specification review and pictures gallery...