Subject, souvenirs, and alma mater!

Went to college again, and it means many tasks waiting us! Huahhhh. As you know, in this 2nd semester, all subjects are not easy as last semester. We must learn counting in chemistry subject like in high school and also do a lot of practicum everyday. Great, right?

I can't imagine if that time I pass in industrial engineering, like my first goal. Hhahaa, maybe I have to do that every day, every semester. Maybe I couldn't follow it, totally blank! But luckily, my destiny is here, in dentistry! Where there isn't many sickening lesson. Apparently I was given the best for my future. Of course I'd be grateful of it!

Btw nowadays, because of during the holidays many friends are go home, they come back again to Medan bring the souvenirs. Hhahaha, they're very kind!

A mirror form Ary, she went to Paris!

from Kuhaa, she is Malaysian
from Intan, she went to Jogjakarta!

Thanks guys!

# Just for info, finally we got our alma mater! Yaiyyy. A little weird, because usually the freshmen will got the alma mater before they start the college, but us? Yah, after many months we waited, waited long for this one:

Cool isn't it?
I think, I look like the senior? Hhahaaa.

USU's alma mater has a little bit similar with Unila's, I think. They have the dark green color. Hhahaa, go GREEN!