Sebuah Blog dengan Janji Besar

Oke, lo pada udah tau kan blog yg satu ini: Blog Fauzi
Kayak yg udah gue bilang di post sebelumnya kalo owner nya tuh senior gue gitu deh di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, paggil aja dia Bunga, eh bukan ding, Bang Fauzi maksudnya.

Awalnya sebelum masuk di USU, gue sempet googling nyari-nyari info lah tentang FKG nya. Nah gak sengaja nemu 'Blog Janji Besar' itu. Yaudah gue baca-baca, dan rupanya isinya emang bagus cong!
Gue inget bener pas itu gue baca yg judulnya 'A guide of First year on Fkg USU KBK (outline)'. Nah, untuk menghargai tulisan yg sangat membantu kayak gitu, gue kirim email deh ke owner nya sebagai bukti appreciate gue buat penulisnya (yg bisa lo liat disini). Jujur, waktu itu gue gak pernah terpikir bahwa si penulis ini adalah calon senior gue. Malah tadinya gue kira si penulis ini mungkin alumni FKG USU, atau staff nya FKG kali, ya gak tau juga.

Setelah berhari-hari, berminggu-minggu gak juga ada balesan, gue jadi lupa kalo gue pernah ngirim email. Terus pas suatu hari gue buka email, tau-tau ada email balesan dari si penulis itu. Pada saat itu gue udah jadi mahasiswa FKG beneran, dan akhirnya gue tau kalo ternyata si penulis itu senior 2009, satu tingkat di atas gue. Dialah Bang Fauzi! Hhahaa, siteng loh cong begitu tau ternyata dia itu senior. Astaga. Kalo gue tau dari awal, mungkin gue gak bakal ngirim email itu deh kayaknya. Abis kan malu-maluin amat ya ngemail-emailin orang yg ternyata satu kampus sama lo? Hahaahaa.

Tapi terlepas dari rasa malu itu, gue masih suka dengan cara dia nulis. Terutama dengan senang hati dia ngebantuin junior-juniornya ngumpulin bahan, ngasih info kuliah, bagi-bagi pilem, bahkan sempet-sempetnya bikin post buat ulang tahun juniornya ini. Hhehehee, thank so much ya bang!
Ohya, aku juga punya hadiah loh buat Blog Fauzi nya, taaaraaaanngg:

Hmmph, oke gue tau, emang rambutnya gak se-lancip itu dan mukanya gak lonjong kayak gitu :p
Maaf deh bang kalo gambarnya jelek, hahaa. Aku gak gitu pinter design grafis, terus aku juga gak bisa ngegambar wajah sih. Apalagi setelah di convert, ternyata gambarnya jadi agak pecah. Yah, terima seadanya ajalah ya bang. :) Sekali lagi maaf bener kalo jelek, gak bermaksud menghina. Hhehee.

PS: Bang Fauzi, kabarin aku ya kalo udah nerima ini. Ntar kalo jelek, tetep bilang aja bagus biar aku nya seneng. Hhahaa.

Dres in 19

I'm so sorry before for this very very late post. Just for your information, I'm not 18 again now, but I'm 19! Heeheehehee. Waahh, so old I'm! Let's say: Happy birthday to me, on March 27th!

This is my first birthday without my families around and so far away from my home. They already called me the day before and congratulated it first. You know, it makes me miss them. But it feels not really bad, because I still have a lot of friends. And I think, I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends around me. Thanks to you guys, you've made my life more than just colourful.

See, how sadist they are feeding me one by one! Hhaha, but I'm very appreciate what you have done to me, guys. They make it very special with the cake and the gift. I'm so surprised seriously. What a coolest organizer to organize this my special event. Once again, thanks so much to Megawaty, Natasya Claudya, Henny, Indah Sari, Aryani Agiza, Evi Wijaya, and Valentine Purba.
Ohya, I got a great post too about my birthday in my senior's blog, Blog Fauzi. Thanks bang! I owe you a post. So later I'll make it for you too, hehee.. As you know, Bang Fauzi is the one of blogger in my campus and his writings are cool. Hmmph, I'll discuss it later, and you should visit his blog :)

And thanks also to all of you who send me the birthday greetings via sms, telephone, chat, fb, twit, even in directly. Can't to be called one by one, but I still remember clearly who are they. It's very very touching me, when I realized that apparently there's still many peoples who care about my born day. THANKS and THANKS and THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!

Doutzen Kroes In Bikini Hot Images,

Doutzen Kroes was born in January.23.1985 is an american actress she woman management members ,she is looking much hot in the bikini , new hot photos of the Doutzen Kroes in bikini, Hollywood models pictures and wallpapers daily updates , unsee hot images of the Hollywood hot model Doutzen kroes, she is looking much sexy in these following photos, new and hot photos of the Hollywood hot celebrity Doutzen Kroes,Doutzen Kroes was born in January.23.1985 is an american actress she woman management members ,she is looking much hot in the bikini , new hot photos of the Doutzen Kroes in bikini, Hollywood models pictures and wallpapers daily updates , unsee hot images of the Hollywood hot model Doutzen kroes, she is looking much sexy in these following photos, new and hot photos of the Hollywood hot celebrity Doutzen Kroes,Doutzen Kroes was born in January.23.1985 is an american actress she woman management members ,she is looking much hot in the bikini , new hot photos of the Doutzen Kroes in bikini, Hollywood models pictures and wallpapers daily updates , unsee hot images of the Hollywood hot model Doutzen kroes, she is looking much sexy in these following photos, new and hot photos of the Hollywood hot celebrity Doutzen Kroes,

Doutzen Kroes In Bikini Hot Images,

Doutzen Kroes was born in January.23.1985 is an american actress she woman management members ,she is looking much hot in the bikini , new hot photos of the Doutzen Kroes in bikini, Hollywood models pictures and wallpapers daily updates , unsee hot images of the Hollywood hot model Doutzen kroes, she is looking much sexy in these following photos, new and hot photos of the Hollywood hot celebrity Doutzen Kroes,Doutzen Kroes was born in January.23.1985 is an american actress she woman management members ,she is looking much hot in the bikini , new hot photos of the Doutzen Kroes in bikini, Hollywood models pictures and wallpapers daily updates , unsee hot images of the Hollywood hot model Doutzen kroes, she is looking much sexy in these following photos, new and hot photos of the Hollywood hot celebrity Doutzen Kroes,Doutzen Kroes was born in January.23.1985 is an american actress she woman management members ,she is looking much hot in the bikini , new hot photos of the Doutzen Kroes in bikini, Hollywood models pictures and wallpapers daily updates , unsee hot images of the Hollywood hot model Doutzen kroes, she is looking much sexy in these following photos, new and hot photos of the Hollywood hot celebrity Doutzen Kroes,

Lacey Schwimmer In Indian Type Skirt Looking Pretty images

Lacey Schwimmer was born in June.28.1988 is a American Dancer she won many prize for dance and she is top dancer of the Hollywood whole world . she is looking too cute in Indian Skirt and In exercising trouser ,new wallpapers and photos of the Lacey Schwimmer ,new and fresh photos of the Lacey Schwimmer, new images of the Lacey Schwimm, unseen hot photos of the Lacey Schwimmer,Lacey Schwimmer was born in June.28.1988 is a American Dancer she won many prize for dance and she is top dancer of the Hollywood whole world . she is looking too cute in Indian Skirt and In exercising trouser ,new wallpapers and photos of the Lacey Schwimmer ,new and fresh photos of the Lacey Schwimmer, new images of the Lacey Schwimm, unseen hot photos of the Lacey Schwimmer,Lacey Schwimmer was born in June.28.1988 is a American Dancer she won many prize for dance and she is top dancer of the Hollywood whole world . she is looking too cute in Indian Skirt and In exercising trouser ,new wallpapers and photos of the Lacey Schwimmer ,new and fresh photos of the Lacey Schwimmer, new images of the Lacey Schwimm, unseen hot photos of the Lacey Schwimmer,

Lacey Schwimmer In Indian Type Skirt Looking Pretty images

Lacey Schwimmer was born in June.28.1988 is a American Dancer she won many prize for dance and she is top dancer of the Hollywood whole world . she is looking too cute in Indian Skirt and In exercising trouser ,new wallpapers and photos of the Lacey Schwimmer ,new and fresh photos of the Lacey Schwimmer, new images of the Lacey Schwimm, unseen hot photos of the Lacey Schwimmer,Lacey Schwimmer was born in June.28.1988 is a American Dancer she won many prize for dance and she is top dancer of the Hollywood whole world . she is looking too cute in Indian Skirt and In exercising trouser ,new wallpapers and photos of the Lacey Schwimmer ,new and fresh photos of the Lacey Schwimmer, new images of the Lacey Schwimm, unseen hot photos of the Lacey Schwimmer,Lacey Schwimmer was born in June.28.1988 is a American Dancer she won many prize for dance and she is top dancer of the Hollywood whole world . she is looking too cute in Indian Skirt and In exercising trouser ,new wallpapers and photos of the Lacey Schwimmer ,new and fresh photos of the Lacey Schwimmer, new images of the Lacey Schwimm, unseen hot photos of the Lacey Schwimmer,

Malika Sherawat Three Images in Golden Gear,

Malika Sherwat was born in Reema Lamba and she is belong to a jat family she is one who actress which want to like acting in Hollywood movies and done in different two move namely Politice and love,Hisse , she is appeared in Many Bollywood movies and tamil movies in 2002 Jina Sirf Mere Liye,in 2003 Khwahish and again in 2004 Kis Kis Ki Kismt, and later in 2005 Bachke Reha Re Baba etc, she's present year was 2002 she is hot model of the Bollywood and she is looking hot in these photos, she has too hot pair of lips and looking nice in Golden Gear,Malika Sherwat was born in Reema Lamba and she is belong to a jat family she is one who actress which want to like acting in Hollywood movies and done in different two move namely Politice and love,Hisse , she is appeared in Many Bollywood movies and tamil movies in 2002 Jina Sirf Mere Liye,in 2003 Khwahish and again in 2004 Kis Kis Ki Kismt, and later in 2005 Bachke Reha Re Baba etc, she's present year was 2002 she is hot model of the Bollywood and she is looking hot in these photos, she has too hot pair of lips and looking nice in Golden Gear,

Malika Sherawat Three Images in Golden Gear,

Malika Sherwat was born in Reema Lamba and she is belong to a jat family she is one who actress which want to like acting in Hollywood movies and done in different two move namely Politice and love,Hisse , she is appeared in Many Bollywood movies and tamil movies in 2002 Jina Sirf Mere Liye,in 2003 Khwahish and again in 2004 Kis Kis Ki Kismt, and later in 2005 Bachke Reha Re Baba etc, she's present year was 2002 she is hot model of the Bollywood and she is looking hot in these photos, she has too hot pair of lips and looking nice in Golden Gear,Malika Sherwat was born in Reema Lamba and she is belong to a jat family she is one who actress which want to like acting in Hollywood movies and done in different two move namely Politice and love,Hisse , she is appeared in Many Bollywood movies and tamil movies in 2002 Jina Sirf Mere Liye,in 2003 Khwahish and again in 2004 Kis Kis Ki Kismt, and later in 2005 Bachke Reha Re Baba etc, she's present year was 2002 she is hot model of the Bollywood and she is looking hot in these photos, she has too hot pair of lips and looking nice in Golden Gear,